TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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154 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: Treblinka<br />

Szyja Warszawski maintained that each grate measured 10 m × 4 m. 454 We<br />

have already underlined the fact that under these conditions 46 layers of bodies<br />

would have to have been piled on one grate; with 2,500 bodies, 54 layers,<br />

or a mountain of bodies 16 m high, would have been necessary!<br />

Jankiel Wiernik writes that each grate – all were presumably located on the<br />

camp grounds – could burn 3,000 bodies at one time. 431 The total capacity of<br />

all grates amounted, according to him, to 10,000 to 12,000 bodies. 455 This obviously<br />

contradicts the camp plan drawn by the same witness, in which merely<br />

two grates are to be seen. 456 At the end of July 1943 – once again according to<br />

Wiernik – 75% of the bodies from the mass graves are supposed to have been<br />

cremated, with 25% still remaining. Wiernik was not embarrassed to claim: 444<br />

“Within a few days work was begun to empty the remaining 25 per cent<br />

of the graves and the bodies were cremated.”<br />

In view of the fact that on the 2nd of August, the day of the revolt, the<br />

cremation is already supposed to have been finished, this means that a quarter<br />

of the bodies must have been cremated within a maximum of ten days.<br />

Wiernik maintains silence about the exact number of victims of the camp, but<br />

speaks of “millions of people,” 457 which corresponds to a minimum of two<br />

million; in the report of November 15, 1942, which he brazenly plagiarized,<br />

there was also mention of two million who had allegedly been exterminated in<br />

Treblinka up to then. According to his claims, therefore, in no more than ten<br />

days 500,000 bodies – a quarter of these two million – were transformed into<br />

ashes, although the grates could manage at most, according to his own statements,<br />

12,000 bodies per day or 120,000 in ten days!<br />

The idiocies served up by this witness are really beyond description.<br />

Wiernik gives every indication of being the author of the story of the spontaneous<br />

combustion of bodies, later continued by his cronies: 63<br />

“It turned out that bodies of women burned more easily than those of<br />

men. Accordingly, the bodies of women were used for kindling the fires.”<br />

Let us remind ourselves once again that the entire story of Treblinka accepted<br />

today was promulgated by none other than Jankiel Wiernik!<br />

14. Number Gassed Daily<br />

In Chapter III, we have shown the official historiography’s unbelievable<br />

lack of capacity for critical judgment regarding the enormous technical problems,<br />

which exterminating the alleged number of Jews in Treblinka would<br />

454<br />

Statement of October 9, 1945, in: ibid., p. 32.<br />

455<br />

A. Donat, op. cit. (note 4), p. 171.<br />

456<br />

See Chapter III.<br />

457<br />

A. Donat, op. cit. (note 4), p. 185.

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