TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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Chapter II: The Development of the Idea of Treblinka as an Extermination Camp 65<br />

and dragged them into the building. The service staff named this Ukrainian<br />

‘Ivan the Terrible.’<br />

Plan of the ‘Bath’: the bath consisted of 12 cabins. Each cabin measured<br />

6 × 6 m. The height amounted to 2.5 m. They drove 600 people in<br />

each cabin. They threw the children on their heads. The cabins had two<br />

doors, which could be sealed hermetically. In the corner between ceiling<br />

and wall two openings were connected with hoses. Behind the ‘bath’ stood<br />

a machine. It pumped the air out of the chambers. The people suffocated<br />

within 6 to 15 minutes. The second door was opened and the people were<br />

dragged out. Their teeth were examined and golden teeth were ripped out.<br />

From there the bodies were carried away on stretchers and were buried in<br />

the ground. They weren’t buried any farther than 100 m away from the<br />

‘bath.’ People were driven into the ‘bath’ three times a day. In this way<br />

15,000 to 18,000 persons were destroyed each day. That’s how it went for<br />

two months. Later, machines dug these bodies up and they were cremated<br />

in ovens. There were no fewer than one million burned.<br />

Later, the extermination process proceeded as follows: suffocation and<br />

burning. They were incinerated in a specially manufactured oven, which<br />

could hold up to 6,000 bodies. The oven was filled with corpses. Gasoline<br />

or petroleum was poured over them and burned. The cremation lasted up<br />

to an hour. […] Those who could not walk to the ‘bath’ – invalids, old<br />

people – were sent to the ‘hospital’; they went there. They were placed at<br />

the edge of a deep pit on the bottom of which was a pyre made up of human<br />

beings. The victims were shot in the back of the neck, whereupon they fell<br />

into the pit and burned. So it went, day after day.”<br />

On August 22, 1944, the Pole Kazmierz Skarzy�ski gave the following<br />

statement: 149<br />

“Incarcerated Jews in the camp reported that many hundreds of prisoners<br />

at a time were penned in hermetically sealed chambers and were asphyxiated<br />

by pumping out the air. The people died very quickly – in 10 or<br />

12 minutes. According to the stories of the Jews, the oven [sic] was a pit of<br />

25 m in length, 20 m wide and 5-6 m deep, with a grate made out of train<br />

rails on the bottom of the pit, which served as an air vent. The bodies were<br />

piled on the rails and burned. The glow from the fire was visible at a distance<br />

of 15 km. During the day a black smoke spread. In a strong wind, the<br />

smell of burning was still perceptible 30 km from the camp.”<br />

The air evacuation technique of killing also turns up in the first official Soviet<br />

report concerning Treblinka I and II. It originates from August 24, 1944.<br />

Regarding Treblinka it reports: 150<br />

149 GARF, 7021-115-11, p. 16.<br />

150 GARF, 7021-115-9, p. 108.

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