TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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Chapter III: Investigations, Camp Plans, Statistics 89<br />

graves, at the same density, would have been able to hold at most 3,000 bodies.<br />

On the other hand, �ukaszkiewicz carelessly wrote in his report of December<br />

29, 1945, that 213<br />

“in this camp [Treblinka I] approximately 50,000 Poles and Jews were<br />

killed.”<br />

One further question suggests itself: Who were the dead in Treblinka I? It<br />

is known with certainty that a typhus epidemic was raging in that camp in the<br />

fall of 1943. In fact, a list was kept with the names of 148 prisoners, most of<br />

whom had succumbed to this illness from November 12 to December 20,<br />

1943. 214 The epidemic had broken out some months before, and for this reason<br />

a car with 11 tons of calcium hypochlorite was sent to Treblinka I on September<br />

20 from the concentration camp at Lublin (Majdanek), which obviously<br />

was to be scattered on the layers of bodies. 215<br />

Since around 10,000 prisoners were interned in Treblinka I during the time<br />

of its existence, 216 one can assume that the mass graves uncovered by the Soviets<br />

and Poles contained the bodies of all – or nearly all – who died there.<br />

That is, further graves or traces of mass cremations were not found.<br />

3. Assessment of the Investigations<br />

In her previously cited report, Rachel Auerbach spoke pompously of<br />

“physical evidence” and “corpora delicti.” But in fact neither the Soviets nor<br />

the Poles uncovered even the slightest scrap of proof that Treblinka II operated<br />

as an extermination camp. The Soviets, in their report of August 24, 1944<br />

– cited in section 1 of this chapter – were compelled to make the following<br />

admission:<br />

“At the present it is difficult to uncover the traces and secrets of this<br />

oven for the cremation of people, but based upon the available data, one<br />

can picture it.”<br />

Even the investigations performed by �ukaszkiewicz proved to be a complete<br />

failure in terms of this central question. He arranged excavation at a<br />

definite spot in the camp where, according to the witness S. Rajzman, a mass<br />

grave was located, but discovered nothing of the kind. He had trenches dug,<br />

10 to 15 m long and 1.5 m deep, at the places where, according to witnesses,<br />

the two alleged gassing buildings had stood, yet merely encountered “undisturbed<br />

layers of earth.” To be sure, he did find skulls, but without gunshot<br />

wounds. All the evidence he examined (coins, documents, rags, containers,<br />

213<br />

USSR-344. GARF, 7445-2-126.<br />

214<br />

Reproduction of the document in S. Wojtczak, op. cit. (note 61), pp. 159-164.<br />

215<br />

J. Gumkowski, A. Rutkowski, Treblinka, op. cit. (note 78), reproduction on unnumbered<br />

page.<br />

216<br />

Informator encyclopedyczny, op. cit. (note 65), p. 528.

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