TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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76 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: Treblinka<br />

decades in an archive 187 and emerged into the spotlight only during the Demjanjuk<br />

Trial. 188<br />

In 1951, Léon Poliakov used the ‘Gerstein Report’ 189 in order to give substance<br />

to the rumor of the ‘extermination camps’ in Poland. He quoted a long<br />

excerpt from it and concluded as follows: 190<br />

“There is little to add to this description, which holds good for Treblinka<br />

and Sobibor as well as for the Belzec camp. The latter installations<br />

were constructed in almost the very same way, and also used the exhaust<br />

carbon monoxide gases from Diesel motors as the death agent.”<br />

Two years later, Gerald Reitlinger took up Poliakov’s claims in his work<br />

The Final Solution, 191 which rapidly became the classic of official historiography<br />

and thereby ultimately asserted diesel exhaust gases as the extermination<br />

method in the ‘eastern extermination camps.’ 192<br />

Therefore it owes mainly to the ‘Gerstein Report’ that Treblinka, just like<br />

Be��ec and Sobibór, received its diesel engine, and the steam chambers were<br />

banished to the junk yard of history.<br />

By means of this propaganda maneuver, official historiography raised the<br />

carbon monoxide chambers of Treblinka (as well as of the two other ‘eastern<br />

extermination camps’) at last to the status of ‘certain historical fact.’<br />

187 Eliahu Rosenberg appeared as a witness at the Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem (Session 66 of<br />

June 6, 1961), but in his testimony did not touch on his report of December 24, 1947, in any<br />

way. State of Israel. Ministry of Justice, The Trial of Adolf Eichmann. Record of Proceedings<br />

in the District Court of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 1993. vol. III, pp. 1212-1215. The report<br />

in question is also not mentioned by A. Donat in his biographical notes to E. Rosenberg (op.<br />

cit. (note 4), p. 289).<br />

188 Elias Rosenberg, Tatsachenbericht. Das Todeslager Treblinka, Vienna, December 24, 1947.<br />

The document was printed on p. 133f. in facsimile by Hans Peter Rullmann in Der Fall<br />

Demjanjuk. Unschuldiger oder Massenmörder?, Verlag für ganzheitliche Forschung und<br />

Kultur, Viöl 1987. The passage cited appears there on p. 136 (p. 4 of the report).<br />

189 The ‘report’ of April 25, 1945. PS-1553.<br />

190 Léon Poliakov, Harvest of Hate, <strong>Holocaust</strong> Library, New York 1979, p. 196.<br />

191 G. Reitlinger, The Final Solution. Hitler’s Attempt to Exterminate the Jews of Europe 1939-<br />

1945, Vallentine, Mitchell, London 1953, pp. 140-142; p. 148f. in the 1987 edition, note 181.<br />

192 This clearly did not prevent Lord Russell of Liverpool from writing even in 1954 that in<br />

Treblinka there had been committed “massacres by means of two methods, steam and gassing”:<br />

The Scourge of the Swastika, Cassel & Company Ltd., London 1954, p. 242.

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