TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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190 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: Treblinka<br />

“This applies with particular urgency to the creation of at least temporary<br />

possibilities for the reception of Jews from the Reich territory.”<br />

In connection with Jews of Spanish nationality residing in occupied<br />

France, a note by Luther of October 17, 1941, likewise mentions<br />

“measures to be taken after the war’s end for the fundamental solution<br />

of the Jewish question.” 544<br />

Therefore, the Wannsee Conference had been called for the sole purpose of<br />

announcing to the authorities concerned the shelving of the emigration policy<br />

and the Madagascar Plan as well as the start of a policy of extensive deportation<br />

of Jews to the east and the discussion of the problems thereby generated.<br />

The Madagascar Plan was officially abandoned on February 10, 1942. A letter<br />

from Rademacher to Bielfeld, a diplomat in the Foreign Ministry, dated February<br />

10, 1942, explains why: 545<br />

“In August 1940, I passed on to you for your files the plan devised by<br />

my department for the final solution of the Jewish question, for which the<br />

island of Madagascar was supposed to be demanded from France in the<br />

peace treaty, but the practical execution of the task was to be handed over<br />

to the Reichssicherheitshauptamt. In accordance with this plan, Gruppenführer<br />

Heydrich was put charged by the Führer with carrying out the solution<br />

to the Jewish problem in Europe.<br />

In the meantime, the war against the Soviet Union has provided the<br />

possibility of making other territories available for the final solution. The<br />

Führer has consequently decided that the Jews will not be deported to<br />

Madagascar, but to the east instead. Thus, Madagascar no longer needs to<br />

be designated for the final solution.”<br />

The ‘final solution’ was therefore of a territorial nature and consisted of the<br />

deportation of the Jews from territories governed by Germany to the east. This<br />

is fully consistent with another important document, the Luther Memorandum<br />

of August 1942. In it Luther above all summarized the essential points of the<br />

NS policy with respect to the Jews: 546<br />

“The basis of the German Jewish policy after the [first world] war, after<br />

the assumption of power, consisted of promoting Jewish emigration by<br />

every means. For this purpose a Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration<br />

was created in the year 1939 by General Field Marshall Göring in his<br />

capacity as delegate for the Four Year Plan, and the administration was<br />

handed over to Gruppenführer Heydrich as Chief of the Security Police.”<br />

After he had explained the genesis and development of the Madagascar<br />

Plan, which in the meantime had been overtaken by events, Luther stressed<br />

that Göring’s letter of July 31, 1941, resulted from Heydrich’s letter of June<br />

544<br />

PA, Politische Abteilung III 245, AZ Po 36, Bd. I.<br />

545<br />

NG-5770.<br />

546<br />


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