TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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Chapter VI: National-Socialist Policy of Jewish Emigration 199<br />

accommodate yet an additional 25,000 Jews. 567 On June 26, 1942, the Chief of<br />

the Security Police and of the SD reported: 568<br />

“Also in White Russia, the measures taken by the Security Police and<br />

the SD have to cause fundamental changes in the area of the Jewish question.<br />

In order first to bring the Jews under effective supervision, independent<br />

of later measures yet to be taken, Jewish Councils of Elders were employed,<br />

which are responsible to the Security Police and the SD for the attitude<br />

of their racial comrades. Above and beyond this, the registration of<br />

the Jews and their consolidation in ghettos has been started. Lastly, the<br />

Jews have been made recognizable by a yellow badge to be worn on the<br />

chest and back, after the manner of the Jewish star introduced in the Reich<br />

territory. In order to evaluate the labor potential of the Jews, they are generally<br />

being taken into the private labor assignments and employed in<br />

cleaning up.<br />

With these measures, the foundations for the later intended final solution<br />

of the European Jewish question have been created for the White Russian<br />

territory as well.”<br />

The measures were nothing other than the concrete implementation of the<br />

policy as laid out in the ‘Brown Portfolio,’ which intended a future solution of<br />

the Jewish problem “for all of Europe after the war.”<br />

7. Numerical Data on Direct Transports<br />

to the Eastern Territories<br />

The existing railway documents 569 make it possible for us to draw only a<br />

part of the entire picture of the transports of Jews directly into the eastern territories.<br />

The transports arriving from the territory of the Reich were organized<br />

by the German Reichsbahn (Reichsbahndirektion in Königsberg), whose duty<br />

was to inform all departments involved. The transports received the abbreviation<br />

‘Da’ 570 and were numbered consecutively. The empty trains, designated<br />

by ‘Lp,’ were assigned numbers above 1,000.<br />

The following transports are known: 571<br />

567<br />

GARF, 7445-2-145, pp. 72f.<br />

568<br />

“Meldungen aus den besetzten Ostgebieten Nr. 9”, Berlin, June 26, 1942, RGVA, 500-1-<br />

755, p. 190.<br />

569<br />

Some documents concerning the transports to Minsk are found in the National Archive of<br />

the Republic of White Russia (Natsionalni Archiv Republiki Belarus, NARB) under the inventory<br />

number 378-1-784.<br />

570<br />

According to many authors this stands for David.<br />

571<br />

Raul Hilberg, op. cit. (note 269). Heiner Lichtenstein, Mit der Reichsbahn in den Tod, Bund-<br />

Verlag, Düsseldorf 1985. Judenfrei! Svobodno ot Evreev! Istoria Minskogo Getto v dokumentach,<br />

Minsk 1999, pp. 223f. Christian Gerlach, op. cit. (note 419), pp. 758f. Wolfgang

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