Session 1 - Montefiore

Session 1 - Montefiore

Session 1 - Montefiore


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European Commission, 1990. Green Paper on<br />

the urban environment. Communication from the<br />

Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.<br />

COM(1990) 218 final.<br />

European Commission, 2005. Commission Staff<br />

Working paper on Cohesion policy and cities: the urban<br />

contribution to growth and jobs in the regions. Brussels,<br />

23.11.2005.<br />

European Commission, 2006. Communication from the<br />

Commission to the Council and the European Parliament<br />

on Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment.<br />

COM(2005) 718 final.<br />

Fernández-Galiano, L., 2006. Paisajes Españoles.<br />

Babelia (El Pais), 20, 22 April, 2006.<br />

Gkartzios, M. and Scott, M., 2005. Countryside, Here I<br />

Come: Urban rural migration in the Dublin City-Region,<br />

Planning and Environmental Policy, UCD. www.ucd.<br />

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Handy, S., 2005. Smart growth and the<br />

transportation-lad use connection: What does the<br />

research tell us? International Regional Science Review<br />

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Horvath, A., 2004. Construction materials and the<br />

environment. Annual Review of Environment and<br />

Resources 29:181–204.<br />

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N., Demicheli, L., Sagris, V., Brezger, A., 2006.<br />

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Comparative Analysis of Fifteen European Urban<br />

Areas. Landscape and Urban Planning, 77:111–130.<br />

Keilman, N., 2003. Biodiversity: The threat of small<br />

households. Nature, 421 (6922):489–490.<br />

Kok, H., 1999. Migration from the city to the<br />

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López de Lucio, R., 2003. Transformaciones<br />

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Laconte, P., 2006. Urban and transport management<br />

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References and further reading<br />

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adaptive appropriate human settlement', Chongquing,<br />

September 22–24, 2006.<br />

Lyons, T.J, Kenworthy, J.R., Moy, C. and Dos Santos,<br />

F., 2003. An international urban air pollution model for<br />

the transport sector. Transportati.on Research D 8,<br />

159–167.<br />

Markus, D. and Heinz, E., 2001. Flood Events in the<br />

Rhine Basin: Genesis, Influences and Mitigation.<br />

Natural Hazards, 23 (2-3):271–290.<br />

Marull, J. and Mallarach, J.M., 2002. La conectividad<br />

ecológica en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona.<br />

Ecosistemas, 2002(2):22–44.<br />

Mitchell, C.J.A., 2004. Making sense of<br />

counterurbanization. Journal of Rural Studies,<br />

20:15–34.<br />

Muñoz, F., 2003. Lock-living: urban sprawl in<br />

Mediterranean cities. Cities 20(6): 381–385.<br />

Naess, P. and Jensen, O., 2004. Urban structure<br />

matters, even in a small town. Journal of<br />

Environmental Planning and Management, 47(1):35–57.<br />

Newman, P. and Kenworthy, J., 1999. Sustainability<br />

and Cities, Overcoming Automobile Dependence,<br />

Washington D.C.: Island Press.<br />

Nuissl, H. and Rink, D., 2005. The 'production' of<br />

urban sprawl in eastern Germany as a phenomenon<br />

of post-socialist transformation. Cities, 22(2):123–134.<br />

Ode, Å. and Fry, G., 2006. A model for quantifying<br />

and predicting urban pressure on woodland.<br />

Landscape and Urban Planning, 77(1–2):17–27.<br />

Ott, T., 2001. From concentration to deconcentration<br />

— migration patterns in the post-socialist city. Cities,<br />

18(6):403–412.<br />

Perdigão, V., and Christensen, S., 2000. The Lacoast<br />

Atlas - Land Cover Changes in European Coastal Zones.<br />

S.P.I.00.39 EN, European Commission,<br />

DG-Joint Research Centre. Ispra.<br />

Pickett, S.T.A., Cadenasso, M.L., Grove, J.M., Nilon,<br />

C.H., Pouyat, R.V., Zipperer, W.C. and Costanza,<br />

R., 2001. Urban Ecological Systems: Linking<br />

Terrestrial Ecological, Physical, and Socioeconomic<br />

Components of Metropolitan Areas. Annual Review<br />

of Ecology and Systematics, 32(1):127–157.<br />

Urban sprawl in Europe 55

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