Session 1 - Montefiore

Session 1 - Montefiore

Session 1 - Montefiore


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method to four existing suburban districts and the sensitivity analyses shows its potential in identifying key<br />

parameters and strategies to improve transport energy consumption in suburban areas. A good mix between<br />

work, schools, shops and dwellings in each neighborhood, which allows reduced travel distances, seems to be<br />

the best strategy to reduce transport energy consumption in suburban areas, whereas means of transport used<br />

is only of little impact. As highlighted in this paper, it is particularly crucial that the planning of new districts<br />

will be based on proper consideration of the location of the area (distance to work places, schools, etc.) and<br />

that public authority could use tools allowing them to better take location into account.<br />


This research is funded by the Walloon region of Belgium in the framework of the “Suburban Areas<br />

Favoring Energy efficiency” project (SAFE).<br />


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