I Premio de Arquitectura Miguel Martín-Fernández de la Torre

Primera edición del Premio de Arquitectura Miguel Martín-Fernández de la Torre. El objetivo de este premio es reconocer la calidad de las obras y los trabajos arquitectónicos realizados en Gran Canaria entre los años 2008 y 2017 en cada una de estas categorías: obra nueva residencial, obra nueva otros usos, rehabilitación y restauración, diseño interior y diseño urbano y paisajismo. Los premios llevan el nombre del ilustre arquitecto Miguel Martín-Fernández de la Torre (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1894-1980), figura fundamental en la historia de la arquitectura española en el periodo racionalista y principal representante de este movimiento arquitectónico en Canarias

Primera edición del Premio de Arquitectura Miguel Martín-Fernández de la Torre.

El objetivo de este premio es reconocer la calidad de las obras y los trabajos arquitectónicos realizados en Gran Canaria entre los años 2008 y 2017 en cada una de estas categorías: obra nueva residencial, obra nueva otros usos, rehabilitación y restauración, diseño interior y diseño urbano y paisajismo.

Los premios llevan el nombre del ilustre arquitecto Miguel Martín-Fernández de la Torre (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1894-1980), figura fundamental en la historia de la arquitectura española en el periodo racionalista y principal representante de este movimiento arquitectónico en Canarias


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The idea of the Pepe Dámaso Cultural Centre in the suburb

of La Isleta came up under the initiative of the “La Isleta

Participa” (La Isleta participates) research project, making

the most of the boost that the government of the major

Jerónimo Saavedra gave to citizen participation between

2008 and 2010, which contributed to demanding a higher

participation in terms of architecture and urbanism. Finally,

in 2009, within the framework of the national investment

plans (called Planes Zapatero), a monetary entry was

approved for its construction.

The idea: a space for participation in the suburb of La


The Centre is located in a public space for educational

use, in particular, where the old Canary-style fighting

ring was located, and which in the 1970s had been used

as a student assembly. Therefore, one of the project’s

assumptions was creating a place for participation and

the creation of a cultural area in the suburb. Conceptually,

the building, despite having a formal autonomy, adopts

within its programme a dependency on the three buildings

surrounding it: the school, the people’s university and the

local music school.

Project and works: semantics. The language of


It is located on a walled plot of land, between a residential

building and the Primary School CEIP León y Castillo.

Against the dominance of residential buildings, the

volumetric of the façade has its own personality with a deep

public image. The Pepe Dámaso cultural centre is threestoreys

high above ground level and one underground

storey. The entrance floor, at street level, has the hall, a

three–storey patio that solves the boundary with the

neighbouring building, the bathrooms and a conference

room. The basement includes an exhibition room, patio

and some storage units. The first floor houses a debate or

meeting room (known as Tagoror in Guanche) which is also

used as an exhibition area. Finally, the second floor houses

the square that makes up the roof, and also gives access to

the People’s University Juan Rodríguez Doreste.

The square floors have fluid spaces which are

interconnected and multi–purpose, for temporary use,

reinforcing the idea of a building that depends on what

happens around it. Perhaps the main room on the first floor

best represents the participative nature of the building,

whilst the basement is the area that opens up to creativity.

The light, which mainly comes from the square on the


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