El Alto | Queer: Gender Sexuality and the Arts in the Americas

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Trinidad and Tobago / Trinidad y Tobago 78

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Exploring the margins of language

Explorando las fronteras del lenguaje

Andre Bagoo is a Trinidadian poet and writer,

author of four books of poetry, Trick Vessels

(2012), BURN (2015), Pitch Lake (2017) and The

City of Dreadful Night (2018). His poems have

appeared in journals such as Boston Review,

Cincinnati Review, St Petersburg Review, Poetry,

and The Poetry Review. He was awarded

The Charlotte and Isidor Paiewonsky Prize by

The Caribbean Writer in 2017.

He studied law at King’s College London, before

working as a journalist for ten years in Trinidad.

His reportage has focused on LGBTQI+ art and

activism, including coverage for the British

Council of the ground-breaking Caribbean Queer

Visualities show held in Belfast in 2016. In poetry

that often explores the margins of language,

his work frequently experiments with form and

performance, most recently through inter-media

collaborations with the poet Vahni Capildeo,

the artist Wendy Nanan, and the Contact Improv

Trinidad dance collective.

His first collection of essays, The Undiscovered

Country, is forthcoming from Peepal Tree Press.

Andre Bagoo es un poeta y escritor trinitense,

autor de cuatro libros de poesía: Trick Vessels

(2012); BURN (2015); Pitch Lake (2017) y The City

of Dreadful Night (2018). Sus poemas han

aparecido en revistas como el Boston Review,

Cincinnati Review, St Petersburg Review, Poetry

& The Poetry Review. Asimismo, fue galardonado

con el premio The Charlotte e Isidor Paiewonsky

por The Caribbean Writer en 2017.

Estudió derecho en King’s College Londres, antes

de trabajar como periodista durante diez años

en Trinidad. Sus reportajes han abordado temas

en las artes y el activismo LGBTQI+, incluyendo

una cobertura para el British Council de la

exhibición Caribbean Queer Visualities, que tuvo

lugar durante el festival de Outburst de 2016 en

Belfast. En su poesía, en la que a menudo explora

las fronteras del lenguaje, incluye experimentos

formales y performances - como lo muestran

sus recientes colaboraciones transmedia con el

poeta Vahni Capildeo, la artista Wendy Nanan y

el colectivo de danza Contact Improv Trinidad.

Su primera colección de ensayos será publicada

pronto por la editorial británica Peepal Tree Press

bajo el título Un País Sin Descrubir.

Right page: © Marlon James

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