depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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the “In campo Assieme” project and the last intervention by the contact

person of “Slow Medicine” Friuli Venezia Giulia.

From 4 to 6 May, in Lisbon, presentation of the project at the

“EuroHealthNet” Meeting “Projects and best practices” for Promoting

Health and Prevention”.

Events, walks and encounters, Interreg Italy-Croatia “Take it slow”,

coordinated by PromoTurismo FVG, organization of educational outings

along the FVG in movement routes, with some primary school classes of

the region, to promote movement, healthy diet, and enhance the territory

(cultural, architectural, naturalistic, historical aspects).

9-10 June in Ancona, XIX National Meeting Italian Healthy Cities Network

WHO - “Health through experience and innovation: from good practices to

new challenges”, presentation of the project.

June, Specific training for tourist and nature guides, Info points etc., by

PromoTurismo FVG.

July 2022 – July 2023, Conference with the Regional Association of Motor

Science Graduates, “Sport & Fun”, for physical and motor activity courses

in municipal gyms.

July Publication and update of the online Brochure, with all the 59 routes

for 70 Municipalities, in Italian and English.

From October 2022 to May 2023, activation of the “Physical and motor

activities in municipal gyms”, in collaboration with the Association of

Motor Science Graduates of FVG and coordination of the Motor Science

Course of the University of Udine, with the participation of about 20

Municipalities of the Region, together with local Associations.


Since the beginning of the project, the communication and promotion

activity of all the initiatives for providing information and promoting the

enhancement of the municipalities that adhered to “A Network of 70

Municipalities for 59 Routes in FVG” (highly appreciated at a national level,

and not only) has been very intense and has been carried out through

internet websites and the social media of the project promotors, FVG

region, municipalities, local associations, walking groups and the growing

number of partners of the “Active ageing in FVG” Internet website, local and

national media (thousands of views and contacts, also through social

groups, etc.).

The growing number of spontaneous and autonomous initiatives of

numerous Municipalities and Associations are also very significant. They

recall themes of strolls, outdoor walks, etc. – “flywheel effect”; “positive

contamination” to promote Health, Prevention and Well-being, through the

dissemination of “healthy and pleasant lifestyles”.

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