cVia SornicoSP34MontenarsCastedi RavistRio Fossainico inferiorePlans di BotoeêtVia MontenarsStrada del FaeitCiuflapFossalVia dei PianiVia MontenarsuarnaniVia AndreussVia PiacenzaCiuc MartinVia dei PianiArte g naStrada del FaeiPlan di ValvalarVia MonteTroi dal CCioratVia VillaVia MonteBorgo MonteForanRio Cl amaValiu hCiucrtegnaCiampintieVia Santo StefanoVia VillaP28Via ClamaSottomonteVia Udine
Castellodi RavistagnoLumpsTHE ‘MOUNT FAEIT SLOPES’ ROUTE31FossalStrada del FaeThe route is about Livinates 4 km long and is a smallerpart of the path called ‘Faeit Mount’, markedalong the route with red and white signs. It isa steeper climb and therefore requires greaterphysical effort.The walk starts from the main street of thevillage and, unwinding among the houses,tontinues along a path through the woodedarea adjacent to the residential Roncus area adjacentto the inhabited area, which leads to via Monte.It is also possible to start directly from the carpark in via Monte and then continue along thepaved road.After this first stretch, take the old dirt roadthat leads to the hamlet of ‘Mont’ - BorgoMonte (1).At the end of the dirt road, you will find the signindicating the Faeit Mount naturalistic path,which, for a short distance, winds among thehouses, following some dry stone walls. Alongthe path, a little further on, you can see thecentenary washhouse of ‘Mont’ (2), built nearthe Clama Stream. TamersFrom the washhouse, after having passed asmall bridge (3), take the old road that leadsSot Cre Neriinto the woods.i tStrada p er FaeitFrom here, it is also possible to take the typicalMount Faeit path (4), which is much moredemanding.The landscape along the forest dirt road (5) isrich with trees and rocks, and is softened, inspring, by beautiful bloomings of primroses,violets, crocuses, two-leaf squills and dog’stooth violets.Continuing on the road, you come to a crossingwith the paved municipal road, a not verytravelled road, from which, by turning left, youcan close the ring, thus returning to the south.Instead, by turning right, at a certain point, youdescend towards the Orvenco River, from wherePalvarieyou can take other paths such as the ‘path ofthe watefalls’ which leads to a very suggestivearea along the Orvenco River. Here, in thehamlet of Salt (6), is another old washhouse(in the past, about a dozen washhouses werepresent in this area).The walk can be concluded by taking the wayback towards Maseries the residential area, from whereyou started.PCioratCre NeriNeriesUTI del GemoneseCret SisilpintieGeneral route dataUTI del TorreMontenars4.0 km 1 h 20’dirt roadpetfriendlyMagnano in