Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2003 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2003 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2003 - Ljudmila


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je diplomirala na Bennington College in magistrirala na University of Iowa. Izdala je tri<br />

pesniške zbirke: Hotel iesta, The Dig (Izkopavanje) in Then, Suddenly--(Potem,<br />

naenkrat--), ki je tudi prejela nagrado Eric Matthieu King Award, ki jo podeljuje The<br />

Academy of American Poets. Njene pesmi so zastopane v antologijah The Pushcart Prize<br />

Anthology in The Best American Poetry 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999 in 2000. Bila je urednica<br />

za poezijo pri The Pushcart Prize Anthology, èlanica literarne komisije The Literature<br />

Panel pri The National Endowment for American Poets in predsednica komisije za<br />

nagrado The James Laughlin Award, ki jo podeljuje The Academy of American Poets. Kot<br />

predavateljica je sodelovala na pesniških konferencah The Bread Loaf Writers'<br />

Conference in The Bennington Writers' Conference ter v programih kreativnega pisanja<br />

The Warren Wilson Program in Creative Writing in The Vermont College Creative Writing<br />

Program. Trenutno predava angleški jezik in književnost na University of Pittsburgh, kjer<br />

vodi oddelek za kreativno pisanje Writing Program in ustanovo Pittsburgh Contemporary<br />

Writers' Series.<br />

Lynn Emanuel holds a BA from Bennington College, and an MA from the University of<br />

Iowa. She is the author of three books of poetry, Hotel iesta, The Dig, and Then,<br />

Suddenly-- which was awarded the Eric Matthieu King Award from The Academy of<br />

American Poets. Her work has been featured in the Pushcart Prize anthology and the<br />

Best American Poetry in 1994, l995, l998, 1999, 2000. She has been a poetry editor for<br />

the Pushcart Prize<br />

Anthology, a member of the Literature Panel for the National Endowment for the Arts,<br />

and a judge for the James Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets. She has<br />

taught at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, the Bennington Writers' Conference, The<br />

Warren Wilson Program in Creative Writing, and the Vermont College Creative Writing<br />

Program. Currently, she is a Professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, Director<br />

of the Writing Program and Director of the Pittsburgh Contemporary Writers Series.<br />

Lynn Emanuel

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