Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2003 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2003 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2003 - Ljudmila


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Je dobitnik uglednih mednarodnih literarnih nagrad: nagrade Tucholsky leta 1993, ki jo<br />

podeljuje Švedski center PEN, in leta 1995 Herderjeve nagrade, ene izmed<br />

najpomembnejših literarnih priznanj na nemškem jezikovnem podroèju.<br />

Njegova dela so prevedena v francošèino, nemšèino, anglešèino, italijanšèino,<br />

švedšèino, poljšèino, madžaršèino, èešèino in druge jezike, filmi po njegovih scenarijih<br />

pa so nagrajeni na številnih festivalih.<br />

Kratki roman Življenjepis Malvine Trifkoviæ je izšel v francoskem prevodu v žepni izdaji<br />

znamenite zbirke Rivages poche pri založbi Payot & Rivages v 20 000 izvodih.<br />

Mirko Kovaè leta 1991 zapusti Beograd in od tedaj živi v Rovinju. Je stalni sodelavec<br />

tednika eral Tribune.<br />

8<br />

book of plays Isus na koži (Jesus on the Skin). Mirko Kovaè is the author of numerous TV<br />

and radio plays and scripts for the feature films Little Soldiers (1968), Vixen (1971),<br />

Torments According to Matthew (1974), Occupation in 26 Images (1978), The Glow<br />

(1979), all of Italy (1982), Evening Bells (1985), Tattooing (1991) and others. Kovaè is<br />

the winner of renowned international literary awards: the Tucholsky in 1993, awarded by<br />

the Swedish PEN Centre, and the Herder, one of the most prestigious literary prizes in the<br />

German-speaking world, in 1995. His works have been translated into rench, German,<br />

English, Italian, Swedish, Polish, Hungarian, Czech and other languages, and the films<br />

based on his scripts have won several awards at numerous festivals. The novella<br />

Biografija Malvine Trifkoviæ in rench translation was published in pocket edition in the<br />

famous collection Rivages poche of the Payot & Rivages publishing house in 20 000<br />

copies.<br />

In 1991 Mirko Kovaè left Belgrade and has since lived in Rovinj. He is a regular<br />

contributor to the eral Tribune weekly.<br />


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