Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2003 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2003 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2003 - Ljudmila


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katere debela ženska krièi, da bi prišla ven, in zdaj je<br />

zunaj, in èe bi reka lahko to tipkala, bi se slišalo natanko tako,<br />

èisto in zapleteno in gromozansko. Zdaj prepevajoè poskakujeva<br />

po deželi, in govoriva, in èe bi veter lahko tipkal, bi se slišalo<br />

natanko tako, nenehno in ponavljajoèe, vse loèujoèe<br />

in oznaèujoèe, tako kot naša slavna frizura, ki jo je<br />

naslikal Picasso. Kajti ko ste znotraj naše frizure, razumete,<br />

da so bili ves balast in preostanki prièeske<br />

odstranjeni (kot gozdovi iz Novega sveta), tako da se<br />

skozi režanje in naslajanje s šokom, ki ga je povzroèila,<br />

lahko vidi lobanjo. Zdaj sem, skrb vzbujajoèe, v gertrudini glavi<br />

in mislim si, da sem mogoèe le misel, ki jo je ona nekoè imela,<br />

ko si je predstavljala, da sta z alice mrtvi, in da nekdo<br />

mora nadaljevati z delom biti gertrude stein, in tako zdaj<br />

dobivam, iz onostranstva, radioaktivne izotope njenega<br />

genija, ki pravi, nadaljuj moje delo, postani gertrude stein.<br />

Zato ker nekdo mora biti gertrude stein, nekdo nas mora<br />

zašèititi pred pozitivisti in realisti in pred pripovedmi<br />

zaèetkov in koncev, nekdo mora biti reka, ki lahko tipka.<br />

In zakaj ne jaz? Gertrude vztraja pri dejstvu, da èeprav<br />

sem subgenij, težka dvainpetdeset kil in pol, in živim<br />

v majhnem mestu z ogromnim kosmatim samcem - soprogom,<br />

ki se kar naprej prevaža v svojem Cadillacu Eldorado, da<br />

bi kaj prodal ljudem, ki si v svojem življenju ne zaslužijo<br />

zle sreèe takega nakupa; da ta dejstva niso problem<br />

za gertrude stein. Getrude in jaz meniva, da, na primer, v<br />

Patriarhalni poeziji, ki (kot plaz, ki lahko tipka) pokopava<br />

patriarhalnost, še zmeraj obstaja obèutek pokroviteljske naklonjenosti.<br />

Torej, èeprav sem suhljat, heteroseksualni subgenij,<br />

me je gertrude izbrala za svoje orodje, tako kot je izbrala<br />

patriarhalnost za orodje, s katerim je pokonèala patriarhalnost.<br />

In ker sem postala njeno orodje, je zdaj, na nek naèin, gertrude<br />

znotraj mene. Težko je. Imeti gertrude znotraj sebe je, kot bi<br />

pogoltnila prekooceanko, ki lahko tipka, in èeprav se poèutim<br />

kot èisto majhna garderobna omara, v kateri èepi medved, z<br />

gertrude meniva, da vam moram povedati, da je gertrude vseeno.<br />

Uporablja me, da bi vam sporoèila, da bi rekla, izgubljena<br />

sem, obkoljena s pozitivisti in pripovedmi zaèetkov in sredin<br />

in koncev, pomagajte mi. In tako, ja, reèem, tukaj sem, gertrude,<br />

ker meniva, gertrude in jaz, da je v najinem glasu èutiti veliko<br />

nujo (kot ihtenje, ki lahko tipka) in da ji kaže zelo slabo,<br />

ker je izgubljena, obkoljena s pozitivisti in realisti,<br />

ruši se pod težo lastne velièine, in mi jo moramo<br />

najti in jo sprejeti vase, èeprav sem jaz najmanj primerna<br />

za odrešenika in sem bila mogoèe izbrana kot zadnja<br />

rešitev, ja, tako je, gertrude mi pravi, ti si najmanj primerna<br />

za odrešenika, ti si moja zadnja izbira in moje zadnje<br />

zatoèišèe.<br />

Prevedla Barbara Korun<br />

162<br />

whom a big woman is screaming to get out, and she`s out<br />

now and if a river could type this is how it would sound, pure<br />

and complicated and enormous. Now we are lilting across the<br />

countryside, and we are talking, and if the wind could type it<br />

would sound like this, ongoing and repetitious, abstracting<br />

and stylizing everything, like our famous haircut painted by<br />

Picasso. Because when you are inside our haircut you understand<br />

that all the flotsam and jetsam of hairdo have been<br />

cleared away (like the forests from the New World) so that the<br />

skull can show through grinning and feasting on the alarm it<br />

has created. I am now, alarmingly, inside gertrude`s head and I<br />

am thinking that I may only be a thought she has had when<br />

she imagined that she and alice were dead and gone and<br />

someone had to carry on the work of being gertrude stein, and<br />

so I am receiving, from beyond the grave, radioactive isotopes<br />

of her genius saying, take up my work, become gertrude stein.<br />

Because someone must be gertrude stein, someone must save<br />

us from the literalists and realists, and narratives of the<br />

beginning and end, someone must be a river that can type.<br />

And why not I? Gertrude is insisting on the fact that while I<br />

am a subgenius, weighing one hundred five pounds, and living<br />

in a small town with an enormous furry male husband who is<br />

always in his Cadillac Eldorado driving off to sell something<br />

to people who do not deserve the bad luck of this merchandise<br />

in thier lives? that these facts would not be a problem<br />

for gertrude stein. Gerture and i feel that, for instance, in<br />

Patriarchal Poetry when (like an avalanche that can type) she is<br />

burying the patriarchy, still there persists a sense of condescending<br />

affection. So, while I`m a thin, heterosexual subgenius,<br />

nevertheless gertrude has chosen me as her tool, just<br />

as she chose the patriarchy as a tool for ending the patriarchy.<br />

And because I have become her tool, now, in a sense, gertrude<br />

is inside me. It`s tough. Having gertrude inside me is like<br />

having swallowed an ocean liner that can type, and, while I<br />

feel like a very small coat closet with a bear in it, gerturde and<br />

I feel that I must tell you that gertrude does not care. She is<br />

using me to get her message across, to say, I am lost, I am<br />

beset by literalists and narratives of the beginning and middle<br />

and end, help me. And so, yes, I say, yes, I am here, gertrude,<br />

because we feel, gertrude and I , that there is real urgency in<br />

our voice (like a sob that can type) and that things are very<br />

bad for her because she is lost, beset by the literalists and<br />

realists, her own enormousness crushing her, and we must<br />

find her and take her into ourselves, even though I am the<br />

least likely of saviors and have been chosen perhaps as a last<br />

resort, yes, definitely, gertrude is saying to me, you are the<br />

least likely of saviors, you are my last choice and my last<br />

resort.<br />


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