Køn, Kunst & Pornografi – Om livet på grænsen - Aarhus Universitet

Køn, Kunst & Pornografi – Om livet på grænsen - Aarhus Universitet

Køn, Kunst & Pornografi – Om livet på grænsen - Aarhus Universitet


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6. Litteraturliste<br />

Andersen, Charlotte, Modefotografi, en genres anatomi, Museum Tusculanums Forlag,<br />

København, 2006.<br />

Barthes, Roland, Det lyse kammer. Bemærkninger om fotografiet, overs. Karen Nicolajsen,<br />

Rævens Sorte Bibliotek, København (1980), 1996.<br />

Blessing, Jennifer (ed.): Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose. Gender Performance in Photography,<br />

Guggenheim Museum Publication, New York, 1997.<br />

Bordo, Susan, Mandekroppen, Samlerens Bogklub, Viborg (1999), 2000.<br />

Butler, Judith, Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, Routledge, New<br />

York (1990), 1999.<br />

Chatwin, Bruce, ”An eye and some body” in: Robert Mapplethorpe, Lady, Lisa Lyon, The<br />

Viking Press, New York, 1983.<br />

Christiansen, Connie Carøe (red.) ”Intersektionalitet”, in: Kvinder, <strong>Køn</strong> & Forskning, 15.Årg.,<br />

nr. 2-3, København, 2006.<br />

Christie’s, The Robert Mapplethorpe Collection, sold for the benefit of The Robert<br />

Mapplethorpe Foundation, Inc. Christie’s, New York, Tuesdag, October 31, 1989.<br />

Clark, Kenneth, The Nude <strong>–</strong> A Study in Ideal Form, Princeton University Press, Princeton,<br />

New Jersey, (1956), 1990.<br />

Danto, Arthur C, Playing with the Edge <strong>–</strong> The Photographic Achievement of Robert<br />

Mapplethorpe, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1996.<br />

Dunne, Dominick, ”Robert Mapplethorpe’s Proud Finale”, In: Vanity Fair, Februar, 1989.<br />

Ellenzweig, Allen, The homoerotic photography <strong>–</strong> male images from Durieu/Delacroix to<br />

Mapplethorpe, Columbia University Press, New York, 1992.<br />

Foster, Thomas A, ”Introduction. Long Before Stonewall”, In. Thomas A. Foster (ed.) Long<br />

Before Stonewall. Histories of Same-Sex Sexuality in Early America, New York University<br />

Press, New York, 2007.<br />

Foucault, Michel, Viljen til viden. Seksualitetens Historie, Bibliotek Rhodos, København,<br />

1978.<br />

Fritscher, Jack, Mapplethorpe <strong>–</strong> Assault with a deadly camera, Hastings House Book<br />

Publisher (New York), 1994.<br />

Fritz, Björn: ”Skitse til den homoseksuelle krops historie”, In: Rune Gade (red.)<br />

Maskuliniteter. <strong>Køn</strong> og kunst, Informations Forlag, 2001.<br />


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