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According to high-ranking eye-witnesses, after making<br />

himself unavailable during the crucial opening phases of<br />

the terrorist attacks, Cheney had made his way to the<br />

Pentagon bunker in time to re-assert his orders that<br />

stood down those defenses, too. The other order given<br />

by the vice-president resulted in the shoot down of<br />

Flight 93 over a little town in Pennsylvania by a<br />

pursuing F-16. [Days Of Deception: Ground Zero And Beyond by<br />

William Thomas]<br />

This much is documented. This much we know.<br />

And yet the complete U.S. media black-out surrounding<br />

these events – as well as the repeated blocking by<br />

Bush administration officials of CIA and U.S. military<br />

investigations and interrogations that would have<br />

captured several of the hijackers, including alleged<br />

ringleader Mohamed Atta, weeks before the attacks –<br />

demonstrate how even lesser evils like chemtrails can be successfully kept from public purview.<br />

Even when those telltale lines in the sky are so persistently scrawled right over our heads.<br />

As I later wrote in All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion – the first book published<br />

on 9/11:<br />

We came to this moment in ways and places we will never forget, holding our TV clickers as<br />

gingerly as betraying wands summoning evil jinn. We watched slack-jawed, silent or silently<br />

cursing, unable to grasp what we were seeing.<br />

The images were grotesque, impossible, preposterous. Assailed by revulsion and vertigo, unable<br />

to look away, we watched hypnotized by horror as endless replays relentlessly revealed huge<br />

airliners floating through the air – too low! too low! – before banking like fighters to harpoon twin<br />

skyscrapers taller than three Titanics stood on-end.<br />

Staring like passengers assured of the absolute impossibility of the disaster now unfolding, we<br />

discovered that big buildings are just as vulnerable as big ships to the inexorable laws of mass,<br />

inertia, and gravity. Not since the funeral of a princess did an entire grieving world gape so grimly<br />

at the same event. From sunny fishing villages in Honshu, to sleepy European capitals, a<br />

bungalow in Maine, a hideout fitted with life-support for a Saudi millionaire…voices in a babble of<br />

dialects were shouting the same four words: “Turn on your TV!”<br />

One billion of us did.<br />

And in the glow that replaced archaic campfires with flickering images watched by a global tribe,<br />

something in us died as suddenly and irrevocably as those kindred lives before our stricken<br />

eyes. Gone in a heartbeat, gone forever was the illusion of our pampered invulnerability.<br />

Tragically, ominously, ironically and incontrovertibly, the immediate aftermath of Black Tuesday would<br />

also prove conclusively that chemtrails had nothing to do with commercial airliners or contrails.

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