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My brother interpreted my excitement at the sighting as a form of mania, to be corrected with the<br />

appropriate pill. My second witnessing of the trails was on October 25, from the town of<br />

Heemskerk, 30 km NW of Amsterdam. The lines were very long and parallel, almost N-S,<br />

covering a good part of the peninsula of North Holland.<br />

The spraying lasted all day long, with nary a let up. There were a few trails crossing; the wind<br />

was from the west, and the planes [four or five] were working east to west, ending up over the<br />

North Sea, which I watched from a high dune, having gone to the seaside. Striking was a huge<br />

S-rune, like the one used by the Nazis.<br />

I spoke with a woman who saw me watching in town, and she said this had been going on for at<br />

least two months, on most clear days, and the result was a milky white sky. She had complained<br />

to Schiphol [airport], but was referred to the Air Pollution Control Branch, which took note but no<br />

follow-up. Myself I went to the (now languishing) NGO called “Enviro-Defense” [Milieudefensie] in<br />

A’dam, but they had never heard of aerial spraying like this. They were aware of bad air quality<br />

around the airport, from conventional sources. They evinced no curiosity about chemtrails, did<br />

not even take down your website.<br />

On the streets the Dutch looked very uniform, or fashionable. All had black or dark gray<br />

overcoats, black shiny shoes, mostly jeans; they walked very fast, many carried cell-phones,<br />

they hardly looked at anything, let alone at one another. As a visitor, I walked a bit slower, and<br />

looked around, and when I caught someone else looking around, there was almost a sense of<br />

recognition, as of people among robots.<br />

It was definitely a bit eerie.<br />

I spoke with several more awake Dutchmen, and they shared my concern. They said the<br />

conformity was of the last few years, and seen as the price for economic prosperity. The<br />

economy is booming there, with virtually no more serious challenges to the growth model in the<br />

press.<br />

After my return to B.C., I heard from a recent visitor to Geneva, that he had been struck by the<br />

same extreme conformity; same story about Denmark. The speed limit is now increased to<br />

120km/hr in Holland; the youth is smoking tobacco like there is no tomorrow. I can’t draw any<br />

definite conclusions, but I am surprised how fast a progressive population can be controlled.

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