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Janet Starr Hull states flatly, “Hair analysis identifies the root of illness. Americans alone are exposed to<br />

more than 70,000 chemicals daily, with 14,000 of those chemicals in our food supply. The hair analysis<br />

is an excellent tool to identify specific chemical toxins within the human body, and vitamin and mineral<br />

deficiencies caused by them. [hairanalysisprogram.com; directlabs.com]<br />


Brian Holmes suggests “the routine use of Emu Oil soap that should be found in the average health<br />

store. It has done much good for a number of people I know who suffered from the typical chemtrail itch.<br />

Also as a matter of routine perhaps avoid the use of anti-bacteriological soaps as they may kill some<br />

bugs but leave others to multiply and build genetic resistance.” [holmestead.ca]<br />


When the immune system attacks the body’s platelets, bright purple and red bruise-like spots can<br />

appear on the skin. Some chemtrail sickness sufferers will immediately recognize this symptom. The<br />

spontaneous nosebleeds, bruising and rashes reported by many chemtrail eyewitnesses – are also<br />

marked by abnormally low platelet production.<br />

Anyone lab-tested and found to have a low platelet count can consider the advice of Naturopathic<br />

Doctor Bradley Bongiovanni. The Director of the Naturopathic Medicine Center recommends: “There is<br />

one cell salt that is renowned for its ability to raise platelet levels. It’s called Ferrum phosphorous. It<br />

comes as a 6X potency. Typical dose would be 5 pellets, twice per day, away from food.”<br />

Remember, aspirin interferes with platelet function.<br />


Dr. Feyedoon Batmanghelidj is a London-educated Iranian medical doctor who made revolutionary<br />

discoveries about the water metabolism in the human body while confined to a Teheran prison – which<br />

enabled him to follow up on his captive patients!<br />

While conventional medicine seeks to profit from illness by “treating” and “controlling” maladies – and<br />

often obstructing natural cures – Dr. “Batman” was able to affect complete cures for ulcers, dyspeptic<br />

pain, stress and depression, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, excess body weight, chronic<br />

fatigue, arthritis, asthma and allergies, insulin-independent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, back problems<br />

and a host of lesser complaints – by prescribing water.<br />

Dr. Feyedoon Batmanghelidj identifies chronic dehydration as the fundamental stressor from which most<br />

human dis-ease emerge. The ingrained North American custom and conditioning of not drinking<br />

sufficient water and guzzling gallons of diuretic soft drinks and coffee reinforce chronic dehydration as<br />

our biggest health menace.<br />

At least 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so<br />

weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. One glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for<br />

almost 100% of the dieters studied in a U-Washington study.<br />

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. Even mild dehydration will slow down metabolism as<br />

much as 3%, robbing energy and vitality.<br />

The brain is an electro-chemical battery requiring frequent topping up with healthy water. A mere 2%<br />

drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing<br />

on the computer screen or on a printed page.<br />

The only way out is by drinking water.

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