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On August 2, 2000, environmental consultant Gary Opit wrote an open letter to the Senior<br />

Environmental Health Officer and the Byron Shire Council in Byron Bay, Australia. Opit advised that<br />

local residents were concerned after watching “unusual sky patterns” over their community. The<br />

chemtrails being laid down in “criss-cross” or “single matchstick” patterns made clear skies overcast.<br />

They also appeared to be making many people sick. “A great many members of our community feel that<br />

this Chemtrails spraying could pose the most serious public health disaster in the history of Australia.<br />

We have already received reports from people suffering from symptoms commonly associated with the<br />

Chemtrail spraying,” Opit wrote.<br />

At least one health professional has informed us that he has had an increase in patients<br />

complaining of these symptoms. Dr. Mark Abriel of Byron Bay has observed and photographed<br />

many of these Chemtrails (as have I) on several occasions, and he is also very familiar with the<br />

medical symptoms. He is currently researching natural herbal cures for Chemtrail toxicity and we<br />

would advise that you to consult him too.<br />

The spraying appears to be a planned operation occurring in many different parts of Australia.<br />

Ms. Julie King and her children, as well as many others in her home town of Pingally, [Western<br />

Australia] became very sick with symptoms leading to pneumonia shortly after spraying took<br />

place 3 days before the Easter holidays finished. The local school’s entire complement of<br />

students were unable to attend for some period of time because of the epidemic of respiratory<br />

complaints and the hospital was filled to capacity by patients all suffering from pneumonia.<br />

Symptoms include continuous mucus discharges in the nose and throat, with patients repeatedly<br />

coughing up green material with blood, followed by short-term memory loss, lethargy and fatigue<br />

continuing for several months and pneumonia in those patients with a less than extremely<br />

healthy immune system.<br />

Of interest is that there is generally no increase in normal body temperature during the infection.<br />

Local Doctors in W.A. [Western Australia] have found that only extremely heavy doses of certain<br />

antibiotics provide relief, though fatigue will remain a symptom for extended periods of time. We<br />

have the urgent responsibility to alert the community to the extreme dangers these illegal high<br />

altitude spraying operations may have on the health of the population.<br />

Over the last few weeks we have received reports of practically daily Chemtrail spraying over<br />

Byron Shire. In the last few days, the usual “lines in the sky” are not always visible. Instead, the<br />

spraying seems to be done over the hills to the west in the early morning or night, and it is slowly<br />

drifting to Mullumbimby and Byron Bay during the day. This is turning our normally blue sky in<br />

the morning to an unnatural “flat carpet” of clouds and haze, which does not raise any suspicions<br />

to the untrained eye, and we never have rain. Also, council employees have alerted us that while<br />

we have only one flight path, south-north, from Sydney to Brisbane, which we are all familiar<br />

with, many Chemtrails are east-west!<br />

A few months before, on July 6, 2000, chemtrails were sprayed over Brunswick Heads near Byron Bay<br />

during a music festival. According to an Aussie eye-witness, the mayor of Byron Bay and two members<br />

of parliament were giving speeches on the beach “when a very large airplane flew overhead at low<br />

altitude spraying Chemtrails, with precise parallel lines that started and stopped abruptly next to each<br />

other and at about the same length.”<br />

Trees blocked the view of the festival goers – and “in a few minutes, with the wind, they covered all<br />

Brunswick Heads in a form of clouds and haze that did not raise any suspicions… A business-woman<br />

friend whom I discussed it with today, who was aware of both the chemtrail spraying on July 6 and today<br />

[July 19], suggested that this may be the reason she has a ‘flu’ that she ‘cannot shake’. She also<br />

suggested that this might be the reason why ‘half of the people in town’ have ‘flu’ or respiratory<br />

problems recently.”

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