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Place of the message: Province of Ancona. The weather was good. The activity was mainly<br />

concentrated on one zone that had been furrowed from [the aircraft].<br />

Result: creation of a cloud artificial left from the single wakes that gradually expand and fuse<br />

entirely (but in one limited zone). At a certain point after the passage of a large airplane<br />

appeared an isolated wake – very thick one – that expanded very slowly. After a little time had<br />

passed, also another airplane [flew] just through the single wake (nearly over the observation<br />

point). Notice the escaping airplane, on its route, a quantity of “nube”. Notice as the second<br />

[plane] produces a wake of effervescent condensation.<br />


In the fall 2003, concerned countrymen dispatched two Italian documentary filmmakers to document<br />

chemtrails on the other side of the Atlantic. After flying in from Rome, Vincent Gambino and Duce (dushey)<br />

interviewed me on Hornby Island hideout – and were interviewed in turn.<br />

Vincent and Duce showed recent video filmed from their 3,500 year old village in northern Italy. Located<br />

500 meters above the sparkling Mediterranean, the descendants of Roman Legions look out on air<br />

traffic departing and landing at a major airport to the south. Arriving airliners sometimes scrawl brief<br />

contrails in otherwise flawless skies. But most often, the predominantly low altitude aircraft leave no<br />

contrails at all.<br />

But that doesn’t save the town’s airspace from becoming completely obscured by jet trails.<br />

“We wake up some days and the whole sky is filled with trails, and there is no good explanation of this,”<br />

Vincent said.<br />

The pair showed excellent-quality digital footage of extensive criss-crossing plumes coalescing and<br />

spreading out over the Italian sky – the unmistakable signature of chemtrails. Pointing to the extensive<br />

sky grids, Vincent said simply, “Impossible.”<br />

Vincent also related how last year, a protest among airport workers at Fiumicino received prominent<br />

media coverage after a “famous white plane” belonging to the USAF landed at a cordoned off part<br />

Rome’s big international airport. “No one was allowed close for two or three days,” Vincent explained.<br />

Airport workers were angry at the secrecy, he said, and the fact that they “couldn’t do their jobs.”<br />

Working closely with Nexus Italy, Vincent has been investigating chemtrails since becoming aware of<br />

them two years ago, after reading an article by the author in Nexus magazine. Hoping to spur<br />

awareness and action across a nation intensely interested information overlooked or censored by the<br />

mainstream press, the two filmmakers produced a one-hour documentary on chemtrails for Italian<br />

audiences.<br />

They were especially interested in the experience of Espanola, a tiny Canadian community west of<br />

Sudbury, Ontario that was the first to petition a national government after being hammered by photoidentified<br />

U.S. Air Forcer tankers spraying sick-making plumes affecting a 50 square mile area in the<br />

spring and summer of 1991.<br />

In Italy, a “Parliamentary Interrogation” - or investigation – into the purpose and composition of<br />

chemtrails is also being sought. The country’s former government and now the official Opposition, the<br />

Democratic Left is demanding a Parliamentary investigation into chemtrails and their possible<br />

connection to HAARP. Although barium is twice as reflectant as glass, and thus serves well as a<br />

sunlight reflector called for in the late Dr. Edward Teller’s “sunscreen” scheme, the opposition notes that<br />

this common electrolyte is also an excellent conductor of electricity.<br />

Vincent told me that his group is currently raising money for more extensive tests on chemtrail fallout.<br />

But after collecting “white material” from the chemclouds, the Italians have already found “barium salts”.

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