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I tried to think of some comparison to show the size<br />

of how big it looked to me. If you take an "M & M<br />

candy", bite it in half, hold it at arm's length in front of<br />

you vertically, this Thing was about that big (you can<br />

tell what I have handy at my desk here :-) ). The flat I<br />

live in, and the window these were shot from is 3stories<br />

(approx 25 feet) up. [anomalies-unlimited.com]<br />

“Just my experiences,” writes Don Juan. “No exaggeration or intentional falsehoods:<br />

1993 - A distant relative of mine relates a story to me. He used to work for the CIA (confirmed by<br />

other family members, he wasn't kidding about this part). Claimed he was sent to the area well<br />

inland of where Hurricane Hugo was expected to make landfall. Was told to watch the sky for<br />

anything "unusual". He then says he suspects weather control/modification had something to do<br />

with this. I ridiculed him endlessly for a time, then forgot about it.<br />

1998-1999 - At this time, I was spending a lot of time on the interstate. One day late in '98 I<br />

noticed a jet in the sky leaving a thick billowing trail behind it, which aroused my curiosity. Over<br />

the next year, watching planes became even more perplexing. There were odd patterns being<br />

formed. Pointed this out to several others, who concurred that something strange was going on.<br />

The substance left behind these planes would often have a rainbow effect when directly between<br />

my viewpoint and the sun. Like the back of a CD.<br />

There were quite a few striking examples during that time that proved to me that this was not<br />

normal passenger air traffic. The most notable; two planes in level flight approaching each other<br />

at about a 45 degree angle. Both went into a steep climb well before they met, and crossed<br />

paths leaving a giant "upright" X in the sky. At the top of each leg of the X, there was a ball of<br />

this smoke, or whatever these trails were made of.<br />

At this point I became convinced that the government was preparing to conduct biological<br />

warfare on us, presumably to maintain control of the population when the impending Y2K<br />

disaster hit. Began warning friends and family, trying to convince them of the certain doom that<br />

awaited us. Y2K came and went. -redface<br />

2000-2003 -- Continued to watch the planes. Didn't notice near as many obvious patterns.<br />

Spring of 2002 did have one memorable event. I was headed to the store with a friend.<br />

Remarked about the clouds, how they looked beautiful. They were all similar in size, low, rather<br />

small, and somewhat evenly spaced. Far as the eye could see. While watching I noticed 3-4<br />

small balls of light moving rapidly around one of the clouds.<br />

They were following what I can only describe as a bumblebee flight path, maintaining a constant<br />

(and rapid) rate of speed. They did not strike me as a type of aircraft, more like some kind of...<br />

(shrug), energy? Friend verified it was not a hallucination on my part. A firm :tin , he still will not<br />

engage in a discussion about what it might have been to this day.<br />

2004 - This year has been particularly odd.<br />

Feb - Noticed some extreme patterns again. Observed two planes flying along side by side,<br />

close to each other, about the same altitude. One was leaving a trail, one was not.

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