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“Unlike frying the sat with a directed energy pulse, blocking its sensors with a temporary chemtrail shield<br />

to mask military deployments below is not considered an act of war. After all, Hank noted, if a chemtrail<br />

is “opaque enough to bounce a signal off of, it’s opaque enough to block a signal going through it.”<br />

In the briefing provided by his accented chemtrails source, Hank learned, “This stuff has a specific<br />

dispersal rate; a specific descent rate. Once we spray it, we are learning that it will cover X area in X<br />

amount of time.” Once these variables are known by looking for specific biological markers in<br />

chemtrails—or in people sickened enough to see their doctors—“you can say it will ht the ground with<br />

plus or minus” concentrations.<br />

But he stressed that biological simulants do not have to be inserted into chemtrails for this program to<br />

proceed. “There’s another level to this that if exploited could accomplish the mission. “The fungus, the<br />

viruses, the bacteria”—living and reproducing harmlessly in the upper atmosphere—“they don’t have to<br />

be something that’s put it in. There’s some that they do. But mostly they are passively receiving<br />

information on what this material would hold onto.”<br />

Brought to the ground by latching onto falling chemtrails, pathogens that naturally exist in the upper<br />

atmosphere are easily identified because they have been mutated by unfiltered ultraviolet sunlight into<br />

strikingly distinguishable variants of their earthbound kin. In this manner, Hank was told, mad scientists<br />

experimenting with the most diabolical weapons ever conceived are determining how biological gents<br />

built in a weapons lab and spread by the same high-flying spray aircraft could be distributed to “take out”<br />

an entire country.<br />

Knowing that this secret program would be revealed worldwide through this book, and my website—<br />

willthmas.net—which currently receives more than 75,000 often highly placed visitors every day—was<br />

why Bob and Dave had introduced Hank to a fan of his earlier report. They had chosen well. As the first<br />

reporter to document the hidden chemical and biological war waged during Desert Storm I finally<br />

recognized the feasibility of this threat.<br />

To recap: Chemtrails are being used for climate modification, as air<br />

traffic controllers across North America are being told, and as lab<br />

tests and documents attest.<br />

Chemtrails laden with barium are also being used to bounce radar<br />

and radio waves long distance. Specific frequencies beamed by<br />

HAARP or other transmitters may—underline may—be used to<br />

further disrupt the minds and moods of target populations already<br />

blitzed on drugs, fluoride, aspartame and television.<br />

Finally, as this writer has long maintained, chemtrails are not<br />

deliberate biological warfare aimed at culling entire populations.<br />

Yet.<br />

Instead, in a covert continuation of Open Air experiments<br />

conducting on unsuspecting citizens and wildlife in the USA,<br />

Canada and Britain since the 1970s, perhaps as many as one in<br />

100 chemtrails are being laid down over the USA and most likely<br />

other unnamed nations in deliberate biological experiments aimed at sickening enough people to track<br />

the effectiveness of organisms delivered for the first time from high altitudes over entire regions.<br />

The chemtrails events over outdoor gatherings described in this book, as well as many others reported<br />

upwind of cities, over sports stadiums and major parades… now appear to be confirmed as deliberate<br />

biowar experiments.

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