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On hearing of this writer’s symptoms of CRI – sudden dizzy spells, joint pain, twitching eyelids and<br />

extreme fatigue following chemtrail spraying down Vancouver Island’s west coast – a nearby naturopath<br />

wrote to say that a doctor who has been treating chemsickness for the past year in humans and animals<br />

“thinks the brain fog, fatigue, lethargicness, hits the go-getters, high energy people. These were my<br />

worst symptoms, not the respiratory stuff.”<br />

Then she “came across a wonderful detox for taking toxins and metals out of the system. It is called<br />

Herbal D-Tox from Wild Rose. It is a liver cleanse, intestinal cleanse, blood, muscle and lymphatic<br />

cleanse. It was recommended to me by a doctor. I have my whole family doing this cleanse and I<br />

believe it is good for anyone who feels they have been affected by the chemtrails.”<br />

This healer would also “recommend Nettle, Marshmallow and Fenugreek. They are for joint pains, low<br />

energy, convalescence, balances sugar/insulin, dryness and inflammation. Then, of course, we know<br />

that this stuff has bacteria, etc. – so are you doing Colloidal Silver?”<br />


The best colloidal silver is freshly made at home. This correspondent believes that the best available<br />

machine is the CS Pro HVAC:<br />

I made a batch that day and started taking it, 1 oz. about every 4 hours. It cleared up the<br />

stomach in the first 4 hours, I gargled about a half oz. every 3 hours to clear up the hacking<br />

cough, that took all day, the nose I sprayed some in three times, it cleared up. The headache<br />

and weakness took another two days to clear up. The cat came home sneezing and make<br />

strange sounds the same day. I put 1 oz. in his water bowl and he drank the whole bowl, he had<br />

never done that before. He was well the next day.<br />

Another person sick with CRI advises a Colloidal Silver dosage of:<br />

One tablespoon, 3 times a day for three days, and then one a day the last day and then stop. We<br />

did. My husband still has the cough but this stuff worked miracles on me. After the first day, my<br />

sinus was completely cleared up.<br />

Herb writes, “After weeks of antibiotics I was still sick, had to have emergency ventilation twice. Then I<br />

remembered colloidal silver. I used 4 oz of 500ppm over a 5-day period; I killed whatever this stuff was. I<br />

continued taking a maintenance dose.<br />


Advising that her daughter has suffered Chemtrail-Related Illness for months now, a mother named<br />

Judy commends colloidal silver water made at home with a $30 kit. “She takes it internally and puts it on<br />

the sores.”<br />

Her daughter:<br />

uses tea tree oil on the skin and puts drops of it in her shampoo, plus uses the tea tree oil soap<br />

and toothpaste. She also uses it in a spray bottle along with some aloe vera, colloidal silver<br />

water and distilled water to mist the skin. She has put a little [food grade] hydrogen peroxide in<br />

the mixture, too. Should try and stay away from sugars because they [fungi] like it. She mixes<br />

borax and vinegar and puts it into her bath water. She also puts some vinegar into her shampoo<br />

and some tea tree oil.<br />


Dongjoo suggests that chemtrails sufferers have a “cuppa” tea.

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