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Most sightings take place far from navigation beacons and established air routes.<br />

Nor do airliners obsessed with point A to B efficiency spend hours crisscrossing the same patch of sky<br />

in close formation. To do so would violate many air safety regulations mandating minimum commercial<br />

aircraft separation.<br />

And passengers would refuse to fly in airliners without windows, as many photographs of the planes<br />

show.<br />


Whether deploying contrails or chemtrails, tinkering with cloud cover could trigger unintended<br />

consequences. Acting as a complex planetary thermostat, clouds cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight.<br />

But they also heat the atmosphere by trapping outgoing heat.<br />

“The net effect is a very delicate balance of cooling and warming,” a NASA scientist told the Rocky<br />

Mountain News. “A small tip in one direction or another can eliminate global warming or greatly enhance<br />

it.”<br />

Both natural and aircraft-induced cloud decks can reflect sunlight that would otherwise warm the Earth’s<br />

surface. Or they can act like an atmospheric blanket, trapping heat radiating up from the ground, instead<br />

of allowing it to escape.<br />

It turns out that contrails concentrated over regions of the United States and Europe have resulted in<br />

local warming 35-times higher than the global average. [Christian Science Monitor July 29/97]

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