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Medzinárodná spolupráca s rozvojov˘mi krajinami, s krajinami v Stredozemí, s Balkánskymi krajinami, s Ruskom a nov˘mi nezávisl˘mi ‰tátmi, multilaterálna<br />

koordinácia – len ‰pecifická podporná ãinnosÈ: V˘zva zo 17.12.05, Deadline 06.03.06<br />

The main project goal is to determine the carbon and water retention, retardation and accumulation in nature forests. It is necessary to identify and<br />

investigate natural patterns, processes and dynamics components in unmanaged primeval forests, which can be incorporated into forest management<br />

theory and practise for the purpose of ensuring the stability of forests and their adjacent landscapes, provision of water, torrent control<br />

and carbon sequestration.The new models to decelerate water cycle, the maps of carbon stock in primeval forests soils and the validated proposals<br />

of enhancement of carbon accumulation by 20% will be developed. The field research will be conducted on the localities in Carpathian primeval<br />

forests of the Ukraine, including cooperation among the top-researchers from these three countries: Ukraine, Slovak Republic and Czech<br />

Republic.There will be used the new Methodology of the primeval forest structure development research and the Methodology of material and<br />

energy cycles and fluxes research.<br />

The project priority is scientific research concerning water and carbon cycling in temperate forest ecosystems. The main project goal is to determine<br />

the carbon and water retention, retardation and accumulation in nature forests. The importance of this research project is sustained by the<br />

significance of biological carbon sinks, within the Kyoto Protocol (1997), and the global climate changes which influence the quality and quantity<br />

of the hydrological fluxes within forest ecosystems, including the impacts on carbon sequestration and down stream water users. Within the project<br />

platform, elements of managed and unmanaged forests structure, texture and development dynamics in the temperate Carpathian forests<br />

(Ukrainian Carpathians) and their interactions with the abiotic environment will be analysed in both qualitative and quantitative terms. Subsequently,<br />

selected elements of virgin forests patterns and dynamics will be screened and tested by Sibyla, Hydrus, Biome BGC models. Successful<br />

models will be proposed for implementation into forest management plans of Ukrainian Forestry.<br />

The novel project contribution will consist in:<br />

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1) Validated models of retention, accumulation and filtration of water in forest ecosystems, based on the exploitation of natural forest structure,<br />

texture, trees necromass dynamics and surface humus patterns.<br />

2) Verified datasets of increased organic carbon accumulation in forest biomass and soils, based on the utilisation of surface humus and<br />

trees necromass spatial distribution patterns and solute transport in soils.<br />

3) Identified forest types offering the best opportunities for enhancement of water and carbon retention and accumulation, with respect to<br />

habitat conditions and type of forest management.<br />

4) Proposed management practices to achieve increased and carbon water retention and accumulation in forests managed based by<br />

nature-based approaches.<br />

Regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Transcarpathian region), Eastern Slovakia (Slovak Republic) and Moravia (Czech Republic), as well as the<br />

neighbouring European countries periodically suffer great human, material and moral losses from the catastrophic floods and other ecological<br />

disasters, so it is also trans-boundary problem. The opinion, that one of the main reasons of this flood disaster is the disturbance of ecological<br />

balance in the mountains, was completely supported at many scientific forums, in particular at the international scientific-practical conference,<br />

Rakhiv 1999, “Ecological and socialeconomic aspects of the catastrophic hazards in the Carpathian region (floods, mud flows and landslides)”.<br />

75 % of the Transcarpathian region is a mountainous area. 9429 rivers with the total length of 19866 km flow within its territory. The average density<br />

of their network is 1.7 km per 1 sq. km, and is the largest one in Ukraine. Without taking into account the specify of mountainous conditions,<br />

there was the unreasoned intensive management in the mountains and in the result of that, the woodlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians have<br />

decreased from 95 to 53 percent, the upper timber line has decreased in 200-300 meters. The age structure of tree stands is disturbed. More than<br />

70 percent of their part constitutes young stands and middle aged stands, the water regulated role of which is much lower than in ripening and<br />

overmature forests.<br />

Taking into account all this, Transcarpathia refers to the regions with a special ecological vulnerability and also declaration of the Transcarpathian<br />

region as a zone of emergency ecological situation is especially actual (F. D. Hamor, 1999, 2001). The eloquent confirmation of the fact, that<br />

from the regime of forest use depends to the great extent the degree of losses incurred by floods can serve the virgin forests of Uholsko- Shyrokoluzhanskyi<br />

massif of the Carpathian biosphere reserve. In zone of their location neither in previous years nor today, the flood has incurred such<br />

great losses.<br />

Also, population in these mostly rural and underdeveloped has not yet had any opportunity to capitalize on their maintenance and provision of<br />

regulatory functions of forests to the society, e. g. slide protection, water management, carbon sequestration. It is therefore necessary to effect a<br />

correction by providing a solid reasoning to enable such participation on forest functions benefits, achieved through sound, services-oriented eco-

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