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117<br />

The logical upshot is that the knowledge of God is not<br />

simply that he exists, but a fecund relational knowledge that<br />

nourished man‘s existence.<br />

Now, the knowledge of God, as I understand it, is that by<br />

which we not only conceive that there is a God but also grasp<br />

what befits us and is proper to his glory, in fine, what is our<br />

advantage to know of him. Indeed we shall not say that,<br />

properly speaking, God is known where there is no religion<br />

or piety. Here I do not yet touch upon the sort of knowledge<br />

with which men, in themselves lost and accursed, apprehend<br />

God the Redeemer in Christ the Mediator; but I speak only of<br />

the primal and simple knowledge to which the very order of<br />

nature would have led us if Adam had remained upright. 167<br />

Accordingly, God‘s Word placed man under an obligation.<br />

―For how can the thought of God penetrate your mind without your<br />

realizing immediately that, since you are his handiwork you have<br />

been made over and bound to his command by right of creation,<br />

that you owe your life to him? …the pious mind does not dream up<br />

for itself any god it pleases but contemplates the one and only true<br />

God… furthermore the mind always exercises the utmost diligence<br />

and care not to wander astray or rashly and boldly go beyond his<br />

will. It thus recognizes God because it knows that he governs all<br />

things; and trusts that he is the guide and protector, therefore<br />

giving itself over completely to trust in him.‖ 168 Only when man<br />

grasps his place within God‘s order can he be directed toward an<br />

ever-deepening and sanctifying engagement with the living God.<br />

Through trust and obedience to God‘s Word, man sees the true<br />

order and purpose of creation, whereas, apart from God‘s Word,<br />

man‘s knowledge of creation is necessarily incomplete and<br />

distorted.<br />

Given Calvin‘s interest and role in both civil and religious<br />

life in Geneva, it is not surprising that he did not confine this<br />

emphasis on trust and obedience to mere personal order and private<br />

167 Institute I. 2. 1.<br />

168 Ibid.

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