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122<br />

according to God‘s his gracious order and to properly order his<br />

appetites to accord with the knowledge of God. In this manner the<br />

sovereignty of God leads to the liberty of man.<br />

Nonetheless, as important as trust and obedience are, from a<br />

Reformed perspective they do not represent ends in themselves but<br />

nurture the more important virtue of gratitude. For Calvin, trust<br />

and obedience were the vestibule that must be passed through to<br />

reach the sanctuary of adoration. Only in gratitude does man<br />

properly finds his rightful place before a holy God. Perfected in<br />

proper worship, man comes to true knowledge of himself and God.<br />

In worship God draws man to himself and he comes to enter into<br />

the life of God. Here and here alone does man fully glorify God<br />

and realize the true image of God in Calvin‘s estimation.<br />

Such a life is possible only through God‘s continual presence<br />

and action and man‘s active response. In worship, God confronts<br />

man in majesty and splendor. Man‘s proper response can only be in<br />

adoration and contemplation of God‘s majesty. Here man‘s in his<br />

natural capacity combined with this humble worship reflect the<br />

image of God. Apart from such an active response of trust,<br />

obedience, gratitude and love, man loses the image of God and<br />

slouches into a carnal being led here and there by his tyrannical<br />

appetites. Thus the drama of divine or carnal existence hinges on<br />

the choice of man to embrace or rebuff God. Adam‘s rejection of<br />

God‘s Word was the great tragedy of human existence, yet in its<br />

own paradoxical way, set the stage for Jesus Christ and the triumph<br />

of God.<br />

The Fall<br />

We throw heaven and earth into confusion by our sins. For<br />

were we in right order as to our obedience to God, doubtless<br />

all the elements would be conformable and we should thus<br />

observe in the world an angelic harmony… 175<br />

Reformed faith‘s insistence upon the continuing insidious<br />

and ubiquitous nature of sin has proved one of its most<br />

175 Comm. On Jer. 5:25.

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