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130<br />

The knowledge of Christ as King provides comfort and hope<br />

for those who trust in him. In Paul‘s statement ―Then… he (Christ)<br />

will deliver the Kingdom to his Father,‖ (1 Cor. 15:2) Calvin<br />

discerns a two stage process to the establishment of God‘s<br />

sovereignty and man‘s obedience. The first stage comes with<br />

Christ‘s sovereign rule over the church after his ascension. This<br />

sovereignty is ―spiritual‖ in the sense that its full power and<br />

influence will only be realized at the end of the age. With Christ‘s<br />

return, the distinct sovereignty of Christ over the church will then<br />

be extended to all creation as all things are brought under<br />

subjection to God.<br />

Prior to Christ‘s return, the church orders its life and ministry<br />

according to Christ the King. Christ‘s Kingdom is not ―of this<br />

world‖ in that it is not ―earthly or carnal and hence subject to<br />

corruption, but spiritual, it lifts us up even to eternal life.‖ 188<br />

Though spiritual, the impact of Christ‘s Kingdom upon the faithful<br />

in their everyday existence is profound. It‘s benefits are the trust<br />

and hope in God it provides even in the worst of circumstance.<br />

Thus it is that we may patiently pass through this life with its<br />

misery, hunger, cold, contempt, reproaches, and other<br />

troubles—content with this one thing: that our King will<br />

never leave us destitute, but will provide for our needs until<br />

our warfare ended, we are called to triumph. Such is the<br />

nature of his rule, that he shares with us all that he has<br />

received from the Father. Now he arms and equips us with<br />

his power, adorns us with his beauty and magnificence,<br />

enriches us with his wealth. These benefits then give us the<br />

most fruitful occasion to glory, and also provide us with<br />

confidence to struggle fearlessly against the devil, sin, and<br />

death. Finally, clothed with his righteousness, we can<br />

valiantly rise above all the world‘s reproaches: and just as he<br />

himself freely lavishes his gifts upon us, so may we, in<br />

return, bring forth fruit to his glory. 189<br />

188 Institute 2.15.4.<br />

189 ibid.

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