Book of Abstracts - Geyseco

Book of Abstracts - Geyseco

Book of Abstracts - Geyseco


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P - Posters<br />

Ebadi M.¹* - Iranbakhsh, A.²<br />

¹Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch<br />

²Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul Branch<br />

*Corresponding author e-mail: iranbakhshar@yahoo.com<br />

In this study, potatos cultivated through mono-nodule explanation,<br />

were moved from shoot-formation induction media to MS<br />

induction media or the purpose <strong>of</strong> microtuberization <strong>of</strong> which the<br />

consistence/density <strong>of</strong> BAP (1, 2, 5 & 10 mg -1 ) and Sucrose (30,<br />

40, 60 & 80 mg -1 ) were shifted in darkness. Although no microtuberization<br />

was observed in the induction media containing 3%<br />

Sucrose, the number <strong>of</strong> white branches sprouted from peripheral<br />

buds were enhanced. It is observed that increase in BAP consistence<br />

on one hand led to deacrease in the number <strong>of</strong> branches. In<br />

media containing 4% sucrose and with low BAP consistency (1<br />

mgl -1 , 2 mgl -1 ) shoot-formation (branching) was not perceived.<br />

While BAP in the levels (5 mgl -1 to 10 mgl -1 ) was augmented in<br />

the induction media containing 4% sucrose, the growth <strong>of</strong> lateral<br />

buds accompanied by delayed microtuberization was four weeks<br />

after induction. In such media, the microtubers were created<br />

from the alteration to the growth pattern in sub-apical area with<br />

positive geotropism. In BAP 10 mgl -1 consistency, 50% <strong>of</strong> tubers<br />

were attached to the branches. In induction media containing 6%<br />

sucrose and BAP 1 & 2 mgl -1 , the microtubers were grown on<br />

peripheral branches until the end <strong>of</strong> week2. In such groups, no<br />

tubers bigger than 7 mm, was seen. In sucrose with 8% consistency,<br />

the highest percentage <strong>of</strong> microtuberization was perceived in<br />

BAP different consistencies. In BAP 10 mgl -1 consistency joined<br />

by 8% Sucrose, the maximal number <strong>of</strong> normal tubers attached<br />

to the pedicle/rhizome with larger dimension was formed. In<br />

such induction media, the formation <strong>of</strong> microtubers in the 1st<br />

week was commenced and the 2nd week was completed. The<br />

growth <strong>of</strong> microtubers continued up to the 7th week. The latency<br />

<strong>of</strong> microtubers was protracted <strong>of</strong> which the duration was about<br />

30 months.<br />



Halil, I.* - Baris, I. – Tuncel, A. – Ozber, N. - Keskin, O.<br />

Koc University<br />

*Corresponding author e-mail: hkavakli@ku.edu.tr<br />

ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), a key allosteric enzyme<br />

involved in higher plant starch biosynthesis, is composed<br />

<strong>of</strong> pairs <strong>of</strong> large (LS) and small subunits (SS). Current evidence<br />

indicates that the two subunit types play distinct roles in enzyme<br />

function. Recently the heterotetrameric structure <strong>of</strong> potato<br />

AGPase has been modeled. In the current study, we have applied<br />

computational tools and identified critical amino acids <strong>of</strong> the potato<br />

AGPase LS and SS subunits that interact with each other<br />

during the native heterotetrameric structure formation. We have<br />

further shown the role <strong>of</strong> the LS amino acids in subunit-subunit<br />

interaction by yeast two-hybrid, bacterial complementation assay<br />

and native gel. During ouranalysis we have found that lateral<br />

interaction <strong>of</strong> the LS-SS is much stronger than the longitudinal<br />

one, and it is mainly mediated by hydrophobic interactions. Also,<br />

we have utilized a reversion genetic approach to obtain stable<br />

heterotetrmeric AGPase using one <strong>of</strong> the LS AGPase mutant. Currently,<br />

we are characterizing the mutants in E.coli system. Thistudy<br />

will not only enhance our understanding <strong>of</strong> the interaction<br />

between the SS and the LS <strong>of</strong> AGPase, but will also enable us to<br />

engineer proteins to obtain better assembled variants <strong>of</strong> AGPase<br />

which can be used for the improvement <strong>of</strong> plant yield.<br />




Rey, M.¹* - Domínguez, C¹ - Acanda, Y.¹ - Rey, L.¹ - González,<br />

M.V.² - Rodriguez, E.³ - Santos, C.³ - Centeno, M.L. 4 - Prado,<br />

M.J.¹<br />

¹Universidad de Vigo<br />

²Universidad de Santiago de Compostela<br />

³Universidad de Aveiro<br />

4Universidad de León<br />

*Corresponding author e-mail: mrey@uvigo.es<br />

We have developed a complete protocol for plant regeneration<br />

through somatic embryogenesis for six autochthonous grapevine<br />

cultivars from Galicia (north-western Spain). Somatic embryogenesis<br />

was induced in anthers and ovaries collected all along<br />

the binucleate pollen microsporogenesis stage, indicating a wide<br />

window <strong>of</strong> competence for induction.<br />

The trueness-to-type <strong>of</strong> the somatic embryogenesis-regenerated<br />

plants was tested by flow cytometry and microsatellite analysis.<br />

Results showed that several somaclonal variants by ploidy level<br />

changes were obtained, including octoploid, tetraploid and mixoploid<br />

(diploid plus tetraploid cytotypes) plants.<br />

A particular case was that <strong>of</strong> the cultivar ‘Brancellao’ from which<br />

both tetraploid and diploid plants were regenerated. As we found<br />

that 50% <strong>of</strong> the adult field-grown mother ‘Brancellao’ plants<br />

analysed were mixoploid, this suggests that regenerated plants<br />

originated either from somaclonal variation or by separation <strong>of</strong><br />

genotypically different cell layers through somatic embryogenesis.<br />

All somatic embryogenesis-regenerated plants were trueto-type<br />

according to the microsatellite genotypes, with the exception<br />

<strong>of</strong> six ‘Torrontés’ plants showing a mutant allele (231)<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> the normal one (237) at the locus VVMD5.<br />

Despite these results, deficiencies in the maturation <strong>of</strong> the somatic<br />

embryos reduce the efficiency <strong>of</strong> the somatic embryogenesis<br />

regeneration system.<br />

We are studying the role phytohormones like ABA and IAA are<br />

playing during somatic embryo development, to understand the<br />

physiological mechanisms for such deficiencies. Preliminary results<br />

are presented, with the aim to further contribute to increase<br />

the efficiency <strong>of</strong> the somatic embryogenesis process in the grapevine.<br />




Petcu, E.* - Joita Pacureanu, M.<br />

National Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Fundulea,<br />

Romania<br />

*Corresponding author e-mail: petcue@ricic.ro<br />

The production <strong>of</strong> sunflower, the most important oil plant in Romania,<br />

is quantitatively and qualitatively affected by the extreme<br />

meteorological events during last time. Among climatic factors,<br />

drought and heat are the most important. Broomrape (Orobanche<br />

cumana) is a very harmful root parasitic weed <strong>of</strong> sunflower under<br />

dry area. The project aim is the increasing <strong>of</strong> sunflower adaptability<br />

to stresses by improving biological material tolerance to<br />

drought, heat and broomrape.<br />

For this, introgression <strong>of</strong> resistance genes from wild species was<br />

attempted, using embryo rescue techniques, combined with classical<br />

procedures to improve crossing, selfpollination and backcrossing.<br />

Interspecific F 3<br />

hybrids were produced between six cultivated<br />

Romanian inbred sunflower line and wild species H. argophyllus<br />

and F 2<br />

. hybrids between H. argophyllus and four cultivated<br />

inbred sunflower. Crosses between four cultivated inbred Romanian<br />

sunflower line and H. maximiliani were backcrossed with<br />

same cultivated inbred line advanced to BC 1<br />

F 3<br />

and BC 2<br />

F 3<br />

generation<br />

in 2008 and 2009 for seed increase. Replicated green<br />

house tests with several progeny were screened for drought and<br />

broomrape resistance. The results indicated good resistance, suggesting<br />

successful gene introgression. Identified resistant lines<br />

will retest in 2010 and the results will be used to release germplasm,<br />

providing new resistance genes to enhance drought and<br />

broomrape resistance in sunflower.<br />


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