Santander, February 19th-22nd 2008 - Aranzadi

Santander, February 19th-22nd 2008 - Aranzadi

Santander, February 19th-22nd 2008 - Aranzadi


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Specialized Shell Object Production at Teopantecuanitlan Site (Guerrero, México)<br />

251<br />

dence allows us to define a centralization of the<br />

production units and a stricter control over the distinct<br />

stages of the manufacturing process<br />

(Velázquez 2007: 3). Also, this pattern of production<br />

controlled by the elite members was identified<br />

in Tenochtitlan (Velázquez 2007) and Xochicalco<br />

(Melgar 2009), analyzing the manufacturing traces<br />

as we did. In contrast, there are other studies<br />

in elite contexts at Piedras Negras and Aguateca,<br />

Guatemala, where the authors proposed the<br />

same production but by analyzing the use-wear<br />

traces of the tools, unfortunately, they could not<br />

distinguish the tools employed on shell or bone<br />

(Aoyama 2007, Emery and Aoyama 2007).<br />

In short, these evidences can be considered<br />

as a specialized production markers made by<br />

dependent craftsmen, under close and strict<br />

government control, which demands this kind of<br />

goods to establish and maintain the social<br />

inequity inside the Preclassic site of<br />

Teopantecuanitlan.<br />


We give a special thanks to archaeologists<br />

Adrián Velázquez, Emiliano Melgar, the biologists<br />

Norma Valentín and Belem Zuñiga, the engineer<br />

Antonio Alva, for their comments and suggestions<br />

and finally Ana Laura Solís, Victor Manuel<br />

Solís, Victoria Stosel, Bruce Bradley, Kim Richter,<br />

and Virginia Fields for the English translation.<br />


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MUNIBE Suplemento - Gehigarria 31, 2010<br />

S.C. <strong>Aranzadi</strong>. Z.E. Donostia/San Sebastián

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