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«.«‘∑¬. ¡¢. 39(1) 113-119 (2554) KKU Sci. J.39(1) 113-119 (2011)<br />

Effect of Chitosan on Growth and Development of<br />

Phalaenopsis cornucervi (Breda) Blume & Rchb.f.<br />

Somporn Prasertsongskun 1* Witool Chaipakdee 1<br />

∫∑§—¥¬àÕ<br />

‡µ√’¬¡‰§‚µ´“π®“°·°πÀ¡÷° ‚¥¬¥—¥·ª≈ß®“°«‘∏’¢Õß Alimunair ·≈– Zainuddin (1992) ‰¥âª√‘¡“≥<br />

‰§‚µ´“π√âÕ¬≈– 20 (w/w) ‡¡◊ËÕπ”‚æ√‚∑§Õ√å¡¢Õß°≈⫬‰¡â‡Õ◊ÈÕ߇¢“°«“ßÕàÕπ ¡“‡æ“–‡≈’Ȭ߄πÕ“À“√‡À≈« Ÿµ√<br />

VW (Vacin and Went, 1949) ∑’ˇµ‘¡‰§‚µ´“π∑’ˉ¥â®“°·°πÀ¡÷° §«“¡‡¢â¡¢âπ 5 10 15 20 ·≈– 25 ¡‘≈≈‘°√—¡/<br />

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„∫ (4.3 „∫/µâπ) ®”π«π√“° (2.5 √“°/µâπ) ·≈–®”π«πÀπàÕ (1.5 ÀπàÕ/µâπ) ‡©≈’ˬ Ÿß∑’Ë ÿ¥ Õ¬à“߉√°Áµ“¡‡¡◊ËÕ„Àâ<br />

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√âÕ¬≈– 50<br />

Abstract<br />

The chitosan was prepared from cuttlebone by the modified method of Alimunair and Zainuddin<br />

(1992) with the yield of 20% (w/w). Protocorms of Phalaenopsis cornucervi (Breda) Blume & Rchb.f. were<br />

cultured in VW (Vacin and Went, 1949) liquid medium added with chitosan from cuttlebone at five various<br />

concentrations of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mg/l for 4 weeks. All chitosan concentrations could enhance<br />

protocorm production when compared to the control without chitosan. Additionally, protocorms were also<br />

cultured on VW semi-solid medium. The results showed the highest number of leaves (4.3 leaves), roots (2.5<br />

roots) and shoots (1.5 shoots) could obtain when 15 mg/l of chitosan was added to the VW semi-solid<br />

medium. However, chitosan at higher concentration showed the inhibitory effect on the growth of protocorm.<br />

After the regenerated plantlets were potted in charcoal and watered with various concentrations of chitosan<br />

for 4 weeks, more than 50% were of them survived.<br />

Keywords : Chitosan, Phalaenopsis, Protocorm<br />

1<br />

Department of Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani, Thailand 94000<br />

* Corresponding Author, E-mail : psomporn@bunga.pn.psu.ac.th

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