Technical Reference Manual - InduSoft

Technical Reference Manual - InduSoft

Technical Reference Manual - InduSoft


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Background Tasks<br />

• Default Table Name:TRENDGGG ( GGG = Trend Worksheet Number; e.g., TREND001 for the Trend<br />

Worksheet 001)<br />

For more information about the structure of the database table that IWS uses to save history files, see<br />

Database Interface.<br />

Caution: You can specify String tags in many fields of the Trend worksheet, to change those<br />

values during runtime, but doing so may affect how those values are saved in the trend history:<br />

• When the history format is Proprietary, the value of the String tag is converted to a numerical<br />

value (if possible) and then saved to the history file. If numeric conversion is not possible, then<br />

a value of 0 is saved.<br />

• When the history format is Database, the actual value of the String tag is saved in the<br />

database.<br />

• Database Configuration: Opens the Database Configuration dialog, where you can enter the requisite settings to<br />

link the project to an external SQL Relational Database for the purpose of saving the trend history.<br />

• Save On Trigger checkbox and field: Click (enable) and type a tag name to save trend samples when someone<br />

changes the specified tag. (Tag change can be an event from the Scheduler.)<br />

• Save On Tag Change checkbox: Click (enable) to always save the trend sample when a value change occurs in<br />

any of the tags from that group.<br />

• Advanced: Click to display the Trend Advanced Settings dialog. For information about completing the fields<br />

in this window, see Batch History Configuration.<br />

Use the Body parameters on this worksheet as follows:<br />

• Tag Name field: Type the tag name to be saved in the history file.<br />

• Dead Band field: Type a value to filter acceptable changes when Save on Tag Change is used. For example, Dead<br />

Band has value = 5. If the tag value is 50 and changes to 52, the system will not register this variation in<br />

the database, because it is less than 5. If the change is equal to or greater than 5, the new value will be<br />

saved to the history file.<br />

• Field field: Name of the field in the database where the tag will be stored. If this field is left blank, the name<br />

of the tag will be used as the tag name. Array tags and classes will have the characters "[", "]" and "."<br />

replaced by "_". Examples:<br />

Tag Name<br />

MyArray[1]<br />

MyClass.Member1<br />

MyClass[3].Member2<br />

Default Field<br />

MyArray_1<br />

MyClass_Member1<br />

MyClass_3_Member2<br />

See also:<br />

Note: The Trend task can accept only up to 240 tags in a single worksheet. If you manually<br />

configure more than 240 tags in the same worksheet, then the Trend task will generate an error<br />

when you run the finished project.<br />

• Converting Trend History Files from Binary to Text<br />

• Converting Trend History Files From Text to Binary<br />

• Creating Batch History<br />

• Configuring a Default Database for All Task History<br />

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