Technical Reference Manual - InduSoft

Technical Reference Manual - InduSoft

Technical Reference Manual - InduSoft


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Communication with Other Devices<br />

1. The new values on the client are buffered.<br />

2. The original values on the server are read to the client — that is, the client is synchronized<br />

with the server.<br />

3. The new values are written from the buffer to the server.<br />

4. The new values on the server are read to the client — that is, the client is again synchronized<br />

with the server.<br />

At the end of each scan, the values reflect what's happening in your project even though,<br />

technically speaking, the project is merely staying in sync with the server.<br />

Both options should be enabled in most projects. In some projects, however, this may cause<br />

items to bounce between the original values and the new values. If this is a problem, try moving<br />

those items to another OPC worksheet where the Read before writing and Read after writing options are<br />

disabled.<br />

• Accept Tag Name in the Item column checkbox: When this option is checked, the text configured between curly<br />

brackets in the Item field is resolved as a Tag Name (string tag). In this case, the value of this tag is used<br />

as the name of the item from the OPC Server, allowing the user to point to different item names during<br />

runtime, by changing the value of the tag(s) configured in the OPC Client worksheet (Item column).<br />

When the Accept Tag Name in the Item column option is unchecked, all characters configured in the Item column<br />

are considered part of the Item name (including the curly brackets).<br />

• Tag Name: Type the names of tags linked to the server items.<br />

• Item: Enter the name of the server's items. After selecting an OPC Server, you can select items from the<br />

Server using the OPC Browser. Right-click in the Item field and select the OPC Browser option.<br />

Tip: You can configure a tag name between curly brackets (e.g., {TagName} ) in this field,<br />

allowing the user to change the item names dynamically, during runtime.<br />

• Scan field: Specify the condition under which the tag value is read from the remote device or server and<br />

then updated in the project database, using one of the following options:<br />

• Always means the tag is read and updated during every scan of the communication worksheet,<br />

regardless of whether the tag is used in any other project screens, scripts, or worksheets.<br />

This option is recommended for tags that must be continuously monitored in the background, such as<br />

tags that trigger alarms, tags used in recipes, tags that are recorded in the historical database, and so<br />

on.<br />

• Screen means the tag is read and updated only if it is being used in at least one open project screen,<br />

either locally or on another client station.<br />

This option is recommended for tags that are used in screen objects, because the project may not<br />

need to update tags that are not being visualized anywhere. Selecting this option can improve project<br />

performance.<br />

• Auto means the project will automatically choose either Always or Screen, depending on where the tag is<br />

used in your project. If the tag is only used in a screen object on a project screen, then the scan will<br />

default to Screen. But if the tag is configured in any other interface (e.g., Script, Math, Alarm, Trend,<br />

Recipe, Report, Scheduler), then the scan will switch to Always and remain there until the project is<br />

stopped.<br />

If you are not sure of which option to select, select Always. This will guarantee the tag is read and updated.<br />

• Div field: Specify the division constant when scale adjustment is required. This value is a division factor in<br />

a read operation and a multiplication factor in a write operation.<br />

• Add field: Specify the addition constant when scale adjustment is required. This value is a addition factor<br />

in a read operation and a subtraction factor in a write operation.<br />

To run the OPC Client runtime task, you can choose to run it automatically on start up, or run the task<br />

manually by clicking Tasks (either local or remote) on the Home tab of the ribbon. After running this program,<br />

a small icon displays in your system tray.<br />

To close the OPC Client runtime task, right-click the icon in the system tray, and click Exit.<br />

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