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Chapter VI: Integrating North American Energy Markets<br />

Caribbean would require the TS&D infrastructure associated with LNG imports. To date, Caribbean demand<br />

has been too small to justify the expense of the necessary infrastructure. However, a 2014 study commissioned<br />

by the Inter-American Development Bank determined that establishing a natural gas supply chain in the<br />

Caribbean (based on small-scale LNG transport and floating regasification infrastructure) presented an<br />

r, 60<br />

economical method of displacing fuel oil as a method for energy delivery to eight Caribbean region nations.<br />

The study estimated a 30 percent decrease in carbon dioxide emission by 2032, resulting from the displacement<br />

of fuel oil by natural gas in current generation. 61<br />

Other proposals to displace fuel oil have gained traction, including the use of propane, other liquid fuels, and<br />

renewable sources for electricity generation. In July 2013, the U.S. Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority<br />

began the process to design and construct propane TS&D infrastructure for two electricity generation units in<br />

St. Croix and St. Thomas. To produce the same amount of electricity as the fuel oil plants they are replacing, the<br />

propane generators will emit on average 96 percent less sulfur dioxide, 84 percent less coarse particulate matter,<br />

85 percent less carbon monoxide, 24 percent less nitrogen oxide, and 17 percent less greenhouse gases. 62<br />

Administration Activities and Plans<br />

U.S.-CARICOM Summit—Deepening Energy Cooperation. In April 2015, President Obama met with Caribbean<br />

leaders in a U.S.-CARICOM Summit in Kingston, Jamaica, to reaffirm the importance of our relationship with the region<br />

and the United States’ commitment to partner with Caribbean countries to advance economic development, security, and<br />

good governance. Leaders discussed a broad range of issues, from our important trade and investment linkages to security<br />

cooperation, including the importance of improving energy security, reducing energy costs, and fighting climate change. This<br />

follows robust engagement on these issues over the last year, including the White House Caribbean Energy Security Summit<br />

hosted by the Vice President in January 2015 and the launch of the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative (CESI) coordinated<br />

by the State Department. The United States is deepening this collaboration through a Clean Energy Finance Facility for the<br />

Caribbean and Central America; an Energy Security Task Force, driving clean energy finance to support renewable energy<br />

and clean energy technology collaboration to promote energy efficiency and storage; spurring a clean energy transition;<br />

greening tourism through a new Clean Energy Program to establish the pre-conditions for clean energy development, optimize<br />

renewable energy integration, and accelerate private-sector clean energy investment.<br />

Caribbean Energy Security Initiative. In 2014, Vice President Biden announced CESI, which recognizes the diversity of<br />

Caribbean nation economies, natural resources, and energy constraints. Led by the State Department, in coordination with<br />

the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation, DOE, and other agencies, CESI seeks to improve energy sector governance,<br />

to increase access to affordable finance, and to improve communication and coordination among regional governments and<br />

their development partners. CESI also is aimed at the full spectrum of the Caribbean energy sector, from production and<br />

generation through transmission, storage, and distribution to end uses. This scope is broader than the transmission, storage,<br />

and distribution focus of this Quadrennial Energy Review, but infrastructure will play a key role in the success of the projects<br />

under CESI.<br />

On January 26, 2015, the Vice President, Energy Secretary Moniz, Deputy Secretary of State Blinken, and other senior<br />

Administration officials joined Caribbean heads of government, multilateral development banks, and other international<br />

partners in a Caribbean Energy Security Summit in Washington, D.C. The summit highlighted ongoing CESI efforts, such as<br />

improved governance of the energy sector, and recognized the continuing need for legal and regulatory reforms to introduce<br />

a broad range of clean energy technologies into the Caribbean. A variety of other commitments to promote and finance clean<br />

energy projects were announced. Administration engagement to promote energy security in the Caribbean, including through<br />

support for the necessary transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure, will continue to be a priority.<br />

r<br />

The Inter-American Development Bank study discussed the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti,<br />

Jamaica, and Suriname.<br />

6-18 QER Report: Energy Transmission, Storage, and Distribution Infrastructure | April 2015

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