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ΝΟΣΟΚΟΜΕΙΑΚΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ, ΤΟΜΟΣ 72, TEYXOΣ 1−3, 2010 55πιθανότητες να θεραπευτεί από αυτήν. Επομένως τοφαρμακογενωμικό προφίλ αποτελεί σημαντική παρά−μετρο αξιολόγησης των πελατών των ασφαλιστικώνεταιρειών. Τα νέα αυτά επιστημονικά δεδομένα απο−τελούν πρόσφορο έδαφος για την ανάπτυξη προβλη−ματισμών, ηθικών διλλημάτων και αντιπαραθέσεων.Η πολιτεία, η κοινωνία και οι φορείς της και βεβαίωςη επιστημονική κοινότητα καλούνται να πάρουν θέσηστα σοβαρά αυτά προβλήματα (105−7).ΒΙΒΛΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ1. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/project/journals/journals.html Human Ge−nome Project Sequence Analysis.2. http://www.hapmap.org/ International HapmapProject.3. http://www.sanger.ac.uk/humgen/cnv/ The CopyNumber Variation (CNV) Project.4. http://snp.cshl.org/ The single nucleotide consor−tium.5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/SNP/ DbSNP HomePage.6. http://www.nigms.nih.gov/Initiatives/PGRNPharmacogenetics Research Network7. F Vogel. Moderne probleme der humangenetik.Ergeb Inn Med 1959; 12:52−125.8. W Kalow. Familial incidence of low pseudocholin−esterase level. Lancet 1956; 2:576.9. EJ Pantuck. Plasma cholinesterase: gene and varia−tions. Anesth Analg 1993; 77:380−386.10. PE Carson, CL Flangan, CE Ickes, AS Alving. Enzy−matic deficiency in primaquine−sensitive erythro−cytes. Science 1956;124:484−485.11. E Beutler. Study of glucose−6−dehydrogenase: historyand molecular biology. Am J Hematol 1993;42:53−58.12. ΗΒ Ηughes, JP Biehl, AP Jones, LH Schmidt. Me−tabolism of isoniazid in man is related to the oc−currence of peripheral neuritis. Am Rev Tuber 1954;70:266−267.13. RK Donald, FA Sigel, A Venter, DP Parkin et al. Theinfluence of NAT genotype on early bactericidalactivity of isoniazid. Clin Infect Dis 2004; 39:1425−1430.14. M Kinzig−Schippers, D Tomalik−Scharte, A Jetter,B Sheidel et al. Should we use NAT−2 genotypingto personalize isoniazid doses? Anttimicrob AgentsChemother 2005; 49:1733−1738.15. R Weinshilboum. Inheritance and drug response. NEng J Med 2003; 348:529−537.16. a) UA Mayer. Pharmacogenetics: five decades oftherapeutic lessons from genetic diversity. NatRev Genet 2004; 5:669−76. b) Α Γρηγοράτου. Απότη φαρμακογενετική στη φαρμακογενωμική.Φάρμακο: Εργαστηριακή ανάλυση και κλινικήπράξη. Εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο Ελληνικής Εται−ρίας Κλινικής Χημείας – Κλινικής Βιοχημείας.Αθήνα 200517. G Tucker. Pharmacogenetics: expectations and re−ality. Br Med J 2004; 329:4−6.18. Meeting report. From human genetic variations topredictions of risks and responses to drugs and theenvironment. Clin Chem Lab Med 2007; 45:427−436.19. Meeting report. Third Santorini conference phar−macogenomics workshop report: pharmacogenom−ics at the crossroads: what else than good sciencewill be needed for the field to become part ofpersonalized medicine? Clin Chem Lab Med 2007;45:843−850.20. E Jacquenoud Sirot, JW van der Velden, K Rentsch,CB Eap, R Baumann. Therapeutic drug monitoringand pharmacogenetic tests as tools in pharmaco−vigilance. Drug Saf 2006;29:735−768.21. P Queneau, B Bannwarth, F Carpentier, JM Guliana,J Bouget, et al. Emergency department visits causedby adverse drug events: Results of a French survey.Drug Saf 2007; 30:81−88.22. V Manolopoulos. Pharmacogenomics and adversedrug reactions in diagnostic and clinical practice.Clin Chem Lab Med 2007; 45:801−814.23. L Alnail. Therapeutic drug monitoring of cancer che−motherapy. J Oncol Pharm Pract 2007; 13:207−221.24. http://www.cypalleles/ki.se Home page of the hu−man cytochrome P450 allele committee.25. D Tomalik−Sharte, A Lazar, U Fuhr, J Kirshheiner.The critical role of genetic polymorphisms in drug−metabolizing enzymes. Pharmacogenom J 2008;8:8−15.26. http://drnelson.utmem.edu/CytochromeP450.htmlCytochrome P450 home page.27. JK Lamba,YS Lin, EG Shuetz, KE Thummel. Geneticcontribution to variable human CYP3A−mediatedmetabolism. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2002; 54:1271−1294.28. LM Mangravite, RM Krauss. Pharmacogenomics ofstatin response. Curr Opin Lipid 2007; 18,409−414.29. a) DA Hesselink, RH van Schaik, IP van derHeiden, M van der Werf et al. Genetic polymor−

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