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The Fifth Resolution on Fridayand Eid Khutbah in Non-Arab Countriesand Use <strong>of</strong> LoudspeakerAll Praise be to Almighty Allah.Blessing and peace be on His Prophet Muhammadafter whom there is no prophet, and on all thosewho followed his way <strong>of</strong> guidance.The <strong>Islamic</strong> <strong>Fiqh</strong> <strong>Council</strong> during its 5 th session held between8-16 Rabi Al-Aakhir 1402H (2-10 February 1982) looked intothe question which was referred to it on the prevailing differenceamong some Muslims in India regarding the permissibility ornon-permissibility <strong>of</strong> the Friday Khutbah in the local languageother than the Arabic language as there are those who see that itis not permissible, because the Friday Khutbah is in fact thereplacement <strong>of</strong> the two Rak’ah obligatory prayer.The questioner also asked whether it is permissible orimpermissible to use the loudspeaker for delivering the Khutbahas some scholars announced that it is not permissible to use it.They present weak arguments.After having studied the views <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Fiqh</strong> scholars in variousschools <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Islamic</strong> <strong>Fiqh</strong>, the <strong>Council</strong> adopted the followingresolution:1. Most appropriate view which we have adopted is that theArabic language is not a condition for validity <strong>of</strong> the Fridayand Eid Khutbah in the non-Arab countries. However, it isbetter to recite its introductory part that contains the Qur’anicverses in Arabic so as to make non-Arabs used to the Arabiclanguage and the Qur’an, and so that it is easy for them tolearn and recite the Qur’an in its own language. After that,133

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