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date <strong>of</strong> the contract execution at a lower price and deliver atonce and put them in an awkward situation.5. This risk <strong>of</strong> the financial market comes from its being a means<strong>of</strong> influence in the markets generally, because prices in thesemarkets are not fully based on actual supply and demand forthose who need to sell or buy, but the prices are alsoinfluenced by so many things; some <strong>of</strong> them are precipitatedby those who dominate the market or those who monopolizethe commodities or currencies in the market throughspreading a false rumour or the like. So here lies the legallyprohibited risk, because it leads to unnatural fluctuation in theprices which badly affects the economic life, and this is justan example.Major financers intentionally <strong>of</strong>fer a bunch <strong>of</strong> financialpapers such as shares or bonds hence their price falls down dueto increase in supply. The small holders <strong>of</strong> such papers hurry upto sell them at a lower price, fearing more downfall in their priceand more loss to them, so once again their price falls down due t<strong>of</strong>urther increase in supply. The major holders turn to purchasethese papers at a lower price with the aim <strong>of</strong> raising their price atthe time <strong>of</strong> increase in demand. The matter ends with hugeearnings for major holders and heavy losses for small holderswho represent the overwhelming majority, due to their deception<strong>of</strong> the unreal <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> similar papers. The same case happens inthe market <strong>of</strong> commodities as well.This is why the stock market has created a major controversyamong economists. The reason behind it is that during certainperiods <strong>of</strong> the world's economic history, it has caused a heavyloss <strong>of</strong> wealth in a short period <strong>of</strong> time. On the other hand, it hasalso made many other people rich without any effort. In themajor crises which raged throughout the world, many <strong>of</strong> theseeconomists have called for its abolishment, for it causes within169

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