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As the crescent-sighting was proved on the eve <strong>of</strong> Mondaywith the testimony <strong>of</strong> the trusted witnesses, whose testimony wasacceptable to the jurists in the various parts <strong>of</strong> Saudi Arabia andother countries <strong>of</strong> the region. Thus it was known that thecommencement <strong>of</strong> the month <strong>of</strong> Shawwal 1400H was proved inaccordance with the <strong>Islamic</strong> Shari’ah on the eve <strong>of</strong> Monday.It was based as well on the teachings <strong>of</strong> <strong>Islamic</strong> Shari’ah. AsAbu Dawood reported in his Sunan from Abdullah Ibn Omar(may Allah be pleased with both <strong>of</strong> them) that people sighted thecrescent so I informed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)that I have seen it. He fasted and ordered the people for fasting.Hafiz mentioned this in Talkhees and Al-Daremi, Al-Darqotni,Ibn Hibban, Al-Hakim and Al-Baihaqi also reported it and IbnHazm regarded it a Sahih Hadith.Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with both <strong>of</strong> them) reportedthat a Bedouin Arab said: “O Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah, I have sightedthe crescent.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) askedhim: “Do you bear witness that there is no god but Allah and thatI am the Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah.” He said: “Yes.” He (the Prophet)said: “O Bilal, call upon the people to observe the fasttomorrow.” Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban, Al-Darqotni, Al-Hakimand Al-Baihaqi also reported it and Imam Ahmad and Al-Nassaiehave also reported from Abdul Rahman Ibn Zaid Ibn Al-Khattabas saying that I have enjoyed the company <strong>of</strong> the Prophet’scompanions and asked them. They reported to me that ProphetMuhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Observe the fast onsighting <strong>of</strong> the crescent and stop the fast on sighting it. Yourworship should be based on it. If it is cloudy and you are unableto sight the crescent, then complete thirty days <strong>of</strong> fast and if twowitnesses testify for it, then you have to start and stop the fast.”Harith Ibn Hatib Al-Jamhi, Ameer <strong>of</strong> Makkah narrated:“Messenger <strong>of</strong> Allah has instructed us that we observe our98

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