Services offered 2012/13 - Sunderland Learning Hub

Services offered 2012/13 - Sunderland Learning Hub

Services offered 2012/13 - Sunderland Learning Hub

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Face to Face –IAG interviews and Transitional Planning for young people in Years 9-11 withwritten Action Plan and appropriate follow up information to those not identified as vulnerableand /or with special educational needs.Group/class sessions- enable young people to understand the ever changing routes intoemployment and pathways in education and training by providing group/ class work sessionsthat are comprehensive and relevant.Trainer Support for Teachers/Tutors - up to date advice on excellence and quality awards inCareers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programmes and frameworkswhich link policy, practice, resources and outcomes to support students in preparing for life,learning and work e.g. Making Choices, Blue Print. We offer cost effective expertise and CPD forteachers and other staff to enable schools deliver their new responsibilities and raise awarenessof RPACareer Conventions-we can plan and organise career conventions and bespoke progressionactivities for schools and offer practical suggestions that ensure pupils benefit most from theexperienceLabour Market Information –detailed, accurate, information on local, national and internationallabour markets patterns and trends to young people. Connexions provides a vacancy service..Information <strong>Services</strong> – Select Service – careers specific, information packs, supporting one-tooneguidance outcomes and actions will be provided free.Destination Information –bespoke analysis of data of young people from the Annual ActivitySurvey for students in the area at Year 11, 12 and <strong>13</strong>, both those in education, employment andtraining or those who are NEET, allowing an annual picture of progression from the school to beestablishedEducation Business Partnership –working in partnership with education and business toimprove life chances and aspirations for young people in <strong>Sunderland</strong>. This is done throughquality work-related learning activities with emphasis upon employability, achievement andenterprise skills. Also responsible for engaging and training business people to work in educationand help facilitate activities.SERVICE DELIVERY MECHANISM:Connexions <strong>Sunderland</strong> is committed to providing cost effective quality careers services whichare tailored to the needs and priorities of schools. Each secondary school in the city is now beinggiven the opportunity to identify requirements from Connexions that will enable schools to fulfiltheir new responsibilities under the Education Act 2011 but which are no longer statutory for thelocal authority. Schools will receive the relevant support within terms of the Service LevelAgreement according to the services they choose to purchase.COST OF SERVICES:The cost of any activity is negotiable dependent upon the nature of the activity, its preparationrequirements, the volume and outcomes required and experience of qualified staff. Prices forPersonal /Career Advisors/Specialists and Trainer Support and EBP are charged at the rate of£250 per day.14

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