Services offered 2012/13 - Sunderland Learning Hub

Services offered 2012/13 - Sunderland Learning Hub

Services offered 2012/13 - Sunderland Learning Hub

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SCHOOL ICT NETWORKHEAD OF SERVICE:Tom BakerEmail:tom.baker@sunderland.gov.uk 0191 561 4201FUNCTION:The ‘School ICT Network’ provides a city-wide secure network to allow Academy and FreeSchools to access the internet, intranet, e-mail and enables the delivery of Schools InformationManagement Systems (SIMS), Admin Workstation and Classroom ICT Support <strong>offered</strong> under‘School ICT <strong>Services</strong>’ Service Level agreement.When you sign up to the ‘School ICT Network’ your school becomes part of the secure city-widenetwork incorporating access to the School & Academy Wide Network <strong>Sunderland</strong> and the CityCouncil Network. As part of this service level agreement - see below under ‘Core Network’ –further key services are enabled which are critical to your school processes, these includeaccess to SAP Finances, SAP printing, the opportunity to use services provided by <strong>Sunderland</strong>City Council Property Management team the Council these include the CCTV monitoring serviceand the opportunity to enable the School Boiler Management System.SERVICES OFFERED UNDER THE SLA:Introduction :This service provides a secure connection from the school into the <strong>Sunderland</strong> Schools Networkand <strong>Sunderland</strong> City Council Network. Connection to the school is via a private leased dedicatedcircuit currently provided by BT, <strong>Sunderland</strong> City Council’s preferred supplier. The agreementwith BT includes maintenance of the equipment associated with the leased circuit. The privatecircuit is dedicated and guarantees data traffic speeds of 10mb for Non Secondary and 100mbfor Secondary. To understand the capacity of dedicated circuit, it can be compared to havingyour very own four lane motorway and you have all four lanes just for you no other traffic, nohold ups.The ‘Schools ICT Network’ connectivity allows the use of the services outlined within the ‘SchoolICT <strong>Services</strong>’. If you do not buy into the ‘School ICT Network’ we will not be able provided the‘Schools ICTservice’ which includes the key School Information ManagementSolution (SIMS), Admin Workstation or Classroom ICT Support. In addition without the ‘SchoolsICT Network’ you will not be able to access the key SAP Finance Solution, SAP Printing or beable to use the Council CCTV service or Council Boiler Management service, access to JANET,Secure file transmission of SIMS based data and Safe Internet/Web filtering. Although<strong>Sunderland</strong> City Council will continue to offer these services, it will be necessary for schools toobtain their own hardware and software to connect to them. Configuration of any new equipmentwould be required to ensure the necessary security and safety policies are met. This would notbe covered by the proposed Service Level Agreements and additional charges could beincurred.From January <strong>2012</strong> a new high speed 1GBps Internet Connection will be available for Schools.The cost of the ‘Core Network’ <strong>Services</strong> provided within this Service Level Agreement (SLA ) arefixed for three years with no inflationary increase .Over this period it is intended to upgraded tothe Superfast <strong>Sunderland</strong> Schools Network. This will give 80mbps guaranteed download speed.58

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