Services offered 2012/13 - Sunderland Learning Hub

Services offered 2012/13 - Sunderland Learning Hub

Services offered 2012/13 - Sunderland Learning Hub

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maintenance and construction contractors to ensure Academy’s can demonstrate they aredischarging client duties to assess competence of construction and maintenance contractors.This involves desk top review of contractor information, job specific evaluation of riskassessments and method statements and on site monitoring.Charge: £300 per dayIf this service is commissioned with the management of contractors for clients trainingpackage a reduction in fees will be applied.• Surveys on Health Hazards in the Working EnvironmentThe Health and Safety Team will assist the Academy to identify work places where atmosphericmonitoring / surveys for asbestos, dust, fumes, etc. are necessary. Assistance will be providedin sourcing the necessary competent person to undertake this service.Basic noise measurement and lighting surveys can be undertaken where necessary.Charge: £300 per day• WelfareThe Health and Safety Team will advise the Academy on employee welfare issues and costeffective compliance with legislation covering employee welfare arrangements and standards.Charge: £300 per day• Radiation ProtectionTo comply with the Ionising Radiation Regulations, Academy’s with radiation sources must haveaccess to a radiation protection adviser, a radiation protection officer and a radiation protectionsupervisor.The optional service available as part of this SLA provides the Academy with access to• Radiation Protection Adviser (current provider is the Health Protection Agency’s radiationprotection advisory service),• Radiation Protection Officer,• Radiation Protection File containing local rules, emergency contact details, riskassessments, various pro-forma for source accountancy etc.Academies with radiation sources must appoint a radiation protection supervisor on site tomanage radiation sources and liaise with the Radiation Protection Officer.The radiation protection officer’s role is to undertake• a yearly inspection and leakage test of radiation sources in the Academy and• Liaise with the HPA and the Academy based radiation protection supervisor to resolveany local issues.Charge: £300 per annum46

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