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Annual Meeting - SCEC.org

Annual Meeting - SCEC.org


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Poster Abstracts<br />

triggering subevents around the hypocenter by dynamic and static stress transfer. Resolving the details of this process should<br />

help in understanding what triggered the large shallow slip event.<br />


EARTHQUAKE (A-107)<br />

T. Uchide<br />

Seismicity rates in the Hida region of central Japan, located about 400 km west of the source area of the 2011 M9 Tohoku<br />

earthquake, significantly increased at a time coincident with the passage of the Tohoku's P-wave. These local events are clearly<br />

identifiable in 8 Hz high-pass filtered Hi-net data in the region. Here, I systematically search for P-wave triggered events in<br />

the Hida region using a matched filter analysis. I examine data spanning 600 s before to 600 s after the origin time of the<br />

Tohoku mainshock, which nets 887 events, of these 82% occurred on or after the Tohoku P-wave arrival. I hypothesize the<br />

passage of the mainshock generated P-wave played an important role in raising the seismicity rate in the Hida region. Using<br />

50s of waveform data, starting at the time of the mainshock's' P-wave arrival, I estimate the dynamic Coulomb stress change<br />

induced by the M9 mainshock reaches a maximum level of 1 - 10 kPa in the Hida region. This value, although on the low end,<br />

is comparable to other triggering thresholds. The immediacy of remote earthquake triggering at the time of the P-waves<br />

passage indicates secondary triggering processes, such as fluid movement or stress recalibration, are not necessarily required<br />

to remotely triggered earthquakes in this region.<br />


E. Upton, S. McGill, R. Bennett, J. Spinler, and A. Torrens-Bonano<br />

As the Pacific plate slides past the North American plate along the San Andreas Fault (SAF) it exerts stress upon the fault.<br />

Although there has been no major earthquake in San Bernardino along the SAF in the past two centuries, the plates are in<br />

constant motion, moving a small amount every year. Yearly Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring at benchmark sites<br />

around the SAF and other faults allows us to calculate the velocity of the Pacific plate in relation to stable North America.<br />

These calculations allow us to test hypotheses regarding the slip rate of the SAF as well as other faults. This year we<br />

conducted GPS monitoring at 25 locations. The data collected this summer is currently being processed at the University of<br />

Arizona. This poster summarizes the data collected in 2010 and previous years into a set of time series plots for 34 locations<br />

around the San Bernardino area. Our analysis shows the horizontal motion of the benchmarks is bounded by a minimum of<br />

11.6 mm/yr (Site 7211, in the San Bernardino Mountains) and a maximum of 33.8 mm/yr (Site NORC, in Norco). Our results<br />

also show a distinct northwesterly trend of movement for stations in the San Bernardino GPS Network. The benchmarks<br />

display a direction of motion of between N17.6˚W (Site RICU, near Landers) and N56.7˚W (Site LACY, near Hemet).<br />

Furthermore, there is a noticeable increase in plate velocity the farther to the west as one moves from the North American<br />

plate onto the Pacific plate. Although they lie on a stable plate, there are locations on the North American plate are moving in<br />

the direction of the Pacific plate—northwest—due to the deformation of the plate boundaries along the locked SAF. While<br />

sites on the stable North American plate are moving to the northwest, sites located on the Pacific plate are moving to the<br />

northwest at greater velocities. Site NORC, which is the westernmost site of our survey, has a horizontal velocity of 33.8<br />

mm/yr. In comparison, site RICU, located the farthest to the east, shows a horizontal motion of 16.2 mm/yr. Both sites are<br />

moving to the northwest but the locations on the Pacific plate are moving at a greater speed.<br />



N.J. van der Elst and E.E. Brodsky<br />

Granular shear flows are intrinsic to many geophysical processes, ranging from landslides and debris flows to earthquake<br />

rupture on gouge-filled faults. The rheology of a granular flow depends strongly on the boundary conditions and shear rate.<br />

Earthquake rupture involves a runaway transition from quasi-static to rapid shear rates. Understanding the rheology of the<br />

granular flow in this transition is therefore crucial for understanding the rupture process and the coseismic strength of faults.<br />

Here we explore this transition experimentally using a commercial torsional rheometer. We measure the dilatation of a steadystate<br />

shear flow at velocities ranging between 10 -3 and 10 2 cm/s, and observe that dilatation is suppressed at intermediate<br />

velocities (0.1 - 10 cm/s) for angular particles, but not for smooth glass beads. The maximum reduction in thickness is on the<br />

order of 10% of the active shear zone thickness, and scales with the amplitude of shear-generated acoustic vibration. By<br />

examining the response to externally applied vibration, we confirm that the intermediate-velocity compaction represents a<br />

feedback between internally generated acoustic vibration and flow rheology. We link this phenomenon to that of acoustic<br />

246 | Southern California Earthquake Center

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