WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield

WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield

WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield


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Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan (1999, updated 2004)The primary goal <strong>of</strong> the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan is to eliminate blighting influences found in theRenewal Area. The Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan has projects listed to obtain these goals. The plan’sprojects include:Promote private development and redevelopment;Rehabilitate building stock;Improvements to streets, sidewalks, bike ways, pathways, streetscapes, parks, and open spaces;Utility improvements;Parking;Public facilities;Housing;Public signage and community gateway entrance improvements.LAND USE PLANSPublic Facilities and Services PlanThe Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP) is an element <strong>of</strong> the Eugene‐<strong>Springfield</strong> Metropolitan AreaGeneral Plan (Metro Plan). It is the element which identifies significant facilities in general terms andconfirms that those facilities are consistent with the planning policies set out in the Metro Plan. Theprojects identified in the PFSP are generally a subset <strong>of</strong> the projects contained in the various facilitiesplans. The PFSP does not identify transportation projects, which are covered in TransPlan, but doesidentify wastewater and stormwater projects, among others. The PFSP does not, nor should it, identifyevery project; it includes only those projects identified as significant on the basis <strong>of</strong> definitions set forthin the PFSP.TransPlan (2002)The Eugene‐<strong>Springfield</strong> Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan (TransPlan) is the transportation element<strong>of</strong> the Eugene‐<strong>Springfield</strong> Metropolitan Area General Plan. While adopted as a refinement to MetroPlan,and therefore technically a land use plan, TransPlan is also intended as a system plan that guides localand regional transportation system planning and development in the Eugene‐<strong>Springfield</strong> metropolitanarea. TransPlan also serves as the <strong>City</strong>’s facilities plan (transportation system plan, or TSP) for identifyingprojects needed to meet the transportation demand <strong>of</strong> residents over a 20‐year planning horizon whileaddressing transportation issues and making changes that can contribute to improvements in theregion’s quality <strong>of</strong> life and economic vitality. In addition to roadway facilities, TransPlan also calls forsignificant increases in the amount and convenience <strong>of</strong> transit service, increases in the amount <strong>of</strong>bikeways and sidewalks, and an expansion <strong>of</strong> the existing program <strong>of</strong> transportation demandmanagement (TDM) travel incentives. TransPlan is a jointly adopted document that serves as a localtransportation system plan for both <strong>Springfield</strong> and Eugene, which, at present, share a joint urbangrowth boundary. As a result <strong>of</strong> legislation approved in 2007, the two cities are now in the process <strong>of</strong>developing separate urban growth boundaries. The <strong>City</strong> is currently developing a new <strong>Springfield</strong>Page 102012-2016 Capital Improvement Program

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