WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield

WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield

WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield


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StormwaterFunding Programmed: PartialConstruction and PreservationOver-Under Channel Pipe Replacement &ImprovementsMap ID-SW7<strong>Project</strong> Description:Improvement SDC Eligibility:Justification: During 2010, staff became aware that some <strong>of</strong> the existing CMP has reached the end <strong>of</strong> its useful lifeand is beginning to fail. About half <strong>of</strong> the 3,900 feet <strong>of</strong> pipe was installed in 1950 and the remainderinstalled in 1988/89. The Stormwater Facilities Master Plan also recommends installing 8,720 feet <strong>of</strong>36-inch diameter pipe parallel to the existing CMP pipe and other pipes further east to provideadditional capacity to handle existing flows that are conveyed/stored in the channel portion <strong>of</strong> thesystem during high flows. This project will include evaluating alternatives for reducing the size oreliminating the channel by using different pipe sizes and/or configurations.<strong>Project</strong> Driver: Identified structural problems in existing CMP. Delay may increase <strong>City</strong>'s risk.<strong>Project</strong> Trigger: Aged facility at the end <strong>of</strong> its useful life. Additional capacity needs identified in Stormwater FacilitiesMaster Plan - <strong>Project</strong> #15FC.<strong>Project</strong> Status: Consultant selection for alternatives analysis and design.Specific Plans/Policies Related to this <strong>Project</strong>:2008 Stormwater Facility Master PlanEXPENDITURE SCHEDULE ($000s)<strong>Project</strong> Element Total Thru 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beyond 2016Planning $ 100100Engineering $ 500400 100Land/Right <strong>of</strong> Way $ 300300Construction $ 2,7002,700Other $ -Total $ 3,600 $ - $ 800 $ 2,800 $ - $ - $ - $ -OPERATIONAL IMPACT ($000s)<strong>Project</strong> Element Total Thru 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beyond 2016Maintenance Costs $ -Personnel Costs $ -Total $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -FUNDING SOURCE ($000s)Source Fund # Total Thru 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beyond 2016Special Assmt. $ -SDCs. Reimb. 441 $ -User Fees 425 $ 348348Federal Aid 420 $ -State Aid 420 $ -SDCs, Imp. 440 $ -Revenue Bond 425 $ 1,128 1,128Unspecified $ 2,1242,124Total $ 3,600 $ 1,128 $ - $ 2,472 $ - $ - $ - $ -1.9%The Over-Under Channel system includes about 3,900 linear feet <strong>of</strong> corrugated metal arch pipe (CMP)under the existing channel. This project is intended to replace the existing CMP with a new pipe, aswell as provide a parallel pipe for additional capacity as recommended in the 2008 Stormwater FacilityMaster Plan.Page 422012-2016 Capital Improvement Program

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