WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield

WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield

WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield


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Buildings and PropertyConstruction and PreservationFunding Programmed: NoAccount #:Library Building<strong>Project</strong> Description: Construct an approximately 60k sq. ft. Library facility adequate to serve the needs <strong>of</strong> <strong>Springfield</strong> citizensfor the next 20-30 years based on currently adopted population estimates. The projected cost <strong>of</strong> the new library will be$25,300,000 including design, site preparation, construction, FF&E and landscaping. Estimated facility size and cost werederived from: Standards for Oregon Public Libraries, 2008 by the Public Library Division <strong>of</strong> the Oregon Library Association; PublicLibrary Space Needs: A Planning Outline, 2009, Anders C. Dahlgren, President <strong>of</strong> Library Planning Associates, Inc., WisconsinDept. <strong>of</strong> Public Instruction; Robertson/Sherwood Architects, Eugene, Oregon, Randy Nishimura - Architect.Justification: The Library is currently below Oregon Library Standards for both facilities and open hours for communities oursize. It is at "threshold" (minimum) standards for size <strong>of</strong> collection. Recently, the Library has experienced double digit increasesin both circulation (13%) and program attendance (20%). It cannot expand it's collections in any meaningful way due to spacelimitations. The Library cannot keep up with public demand for programming and for community meeting space and is hamperedin effectively deploying new technology due, in part, to the age and infrastructure <strong>of</strong> the building. Population estimates project<strong>Springfield</strong>'s population to grow to over 80,000 people in the next 20 years increasing the difficulty in providing services in a substandardfacility. In addition, a new Library building can help in the <strong>City</strong>'s efforts at revitalizing the downtown core by attractingtens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> people to the area through its services and programs and by serving as a community gathering place.<strong>Project</strong> Driver: Growing demand for Library services; current facility cannot sustain current usage level nor can it addressprojected population growth into the future; ability for new Library to act as a positive factor in revitalizing downtown core.<strong>Project</strong> Trigger: Ability to provide library service from current facility declines to the point that both quality and quantity <strong>of</strong>service are impacted. Citizen feedback and staff reporting support Council action.<strong>Project</strong> Status: Deferred pending fundingSpecific Plans/Policies Related to this <strong>Project</strong>:Council Goals #4 - Maintain & Improve Infrastructure and Facilities and # 5 - Preserve Hometown Feel,Livability and Environmental Quality.EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE ($000s)<strong>Project</strong> Element Total Thru 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beyond 2016Planning $ -Engineering $ 5,0002500 $ 2,500Land/Right <strong>of</strong> Way $ 4,0002000 $ 2,000Construction $ 33,60016800 $ 16,800Other $ 8,0004000 $ 4,000Total $ 50,600 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 25,300 $ 25,300 $ -OPERATIONAL IMPACT ($000s)<strong>Project</strong> Element Total Thru 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beyond 2016Maintenance Costs $ 18$ 6 $ 66Personnel Costs $ 240$ 80 $ 8080Total $ 258 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 86 $ 86 $ 86FUNDING SOURCE ($000s)Source Fund # Total Thru 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beyond 2016Special Assmt. $ -AFG Grant 420 $ -SDCs. Reimb. (<strong>WW</strong>) 442 $ -Federal Aid 420 $ -State Aid 420 $ -SDCs. Imp (Storm) 440 $ -SDCs, Reimb. (Str.) 446 $ -Unspecified $ 25,30025300Total $ 25,300 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 25,300 $ - $ -2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program Page 179

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