WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield

WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield

WW Project Pages.xlsx - City of Springfield


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StormwaterFunding Programmed: YesAccount # 830001System Expansion, Upgrades, Rehabilitation, and Water QualityMill Race Restoration Improvement SDC Eligibility: 12.7%Map ID-SW1<strong>Project</strong> Description: Phase I: Move inlet upstream to improve flow; rehabilitate former river channel to carry flow andconnect to existing Mill Race near current inlet; rehabilitate downstream channel. Phase II: lower elevation <strong>of</strong> inlet to GorrieCreek. Reconfigure Mill Pond to create a meandering channel with a 12-foot wide low flow channel and 15-foot wide highflow benches, similar to the upper Mill Race. The channel between the F Street Bridge and the Mill Pond inlet will benarrowed. The channel in the pond will have a higher riparian terrace alongside each bank, and seasonal wetland pondswill be created. The proposed three seasonal wetland ponds have a total surface area <strong>of</strong> three acres and connections atthe upstream and downstream ends. At each point, the inlet is designed to be at the channel invert elevation with theoutlet. A rock weir is proposed at each pond outlet to prevent head cuts into the ponds.Justification: Improve water quality on existing drainage way; provide habitat restoration; provide aesthetic environmentalamenities in downtown; support redevelopment <strong>of</strong> downtown.<strong>Project</strong> Driver:<strong>Project</strong> Trigger:Increase water quality along the Mill Race.In construction<strong>Project</strong> Status: Phase 1 in construction; Phase II, to be constructed FY 2011.Specific Plans/Policies Related to this <strong>Project</strong>:2008 Stormwater Facilities Master PlanEXPENDITURE SCHEDULE ($000s)<strong>Project</strong> Element Total Thru 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beyond 2016Planning $ -Engineering $ -Land/Right <strong>of</strong> Way $ -Construction $ 3,900 $ 3,150 750Other $ -Total $ 3,900 $ 3,150 $ 750 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -OPERATIONAL IMPACT ($000s)<strong>Project</strong> Element Total Thru 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beyond 2016Maintenance Costs $ 30 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 5Personnel Costs $ 300 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50Total $ 330 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 $ -FUNDING SOURCE ($000s)Source Fund # Total Thru 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beyond 2016Special Assmt. $ -Revenue Bonds 420 $ 750 $ 750User Fees 425 $ -Federal Aid 420 $ 3,150 $ 3,150State Aid 420 $ -SDCs, Imp. 440 $ -Land Match $ -Unspecified $ -Total $ 3,900 $ 3,900 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -Page 362012-2016 Capital Improvement Program

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