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GERMAR RUDOLF, RESISTANCE IS OBLIGATORYacquittal (for this fear the term Orletitis has been coined). On theother hand judges and prosecutors are so brainwashed by the prevailingparanoid hysteria due to the all-permeating propaganda that theyare psychologically incapable of judging objectively. Medical sciencehas coined a term for this mental state as well: “Holocaust HysteriaSyndrome.”8. Finally and ultimately we need reconciliation with ourselves inGermany, a general amnesty, and we need to leave for fresh fields,but most certainly not yet another turn in the vicious circle of violenceand counter-violence, persecution and counter-persecution.As the final point of the section I want to discuss the issue of punishment,that is, of the use of force by the state, which is a kind of violence.If a judge were to ask me prior to my release: “Herr Rudolf, whenwe release you now, do you intend to abide by the law in the future?,”then I would answer: Yes, sure, because I have done nothing else duringthe past ten years. During all these years I have always abided by thelaws of the countries I lived in. Because all this for which I am now indictedhere I have done in England and in the USA, and it has been perfectlylegal there. And when I am released, I will go back to my wifeand my daughter in the U.S., if God permits. Or I should say if the U.S.government lets me. That is, after all, not the same thing. And it goeswithout saying that I will then – as I have in the past – abide by U.S.law. Or do you seriously mean that in the U.S. I am also to abide byGerman laws? And if also by German laws, why not also by Chinese,North Korean, Cuban and Iranian laws? With which justification do youbelieve you can demand the enforcement of the German legal order allover the world?As you certainly know better than I do, there are several theories injurisprudence justifying the punishment of offenders, some of which Imay discuss here with regard to my case:1. Individual deterrence: The attempt to discourage me from future actsof civil disobedience backfires, since I resist exactly because of thisunjust persecution of dissidents. Hence more unjust persecution willlead only to more resistance in my case. If my father did not manageto break my will with brutal violence when I was two to three yearsold, do you really think the state with its methods will be more successful?I am gladly prepared to be convinced by good arguments,but not by violence!205

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