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Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? By Carlo Mattognoand Juergen Graf. It is alleged that at Treblinka in EastPoland between 700,000 and 3,000,000 persons were murdered in1942 and 1943. The weapons used were said to have been stationaryand/or mobile gas chambers, fast-acting or slow-acting poisongas, unslaked lime, superheated steam, electricity, diesel exhaustfumes etc. Holocaust historians alleged that bodies were piled ashigh as multi-storied buildings and burned without a trace, usinglittle or no fuel at all. Graf and Mattogno have now analyzed theorigins, logic and technical feasibility of the official version of Treblinka.On the basis of numerous documents they reveal Treblinka’s true identity: it wasa transit camp. Even longtime revisionism buffs will find a lot that is new in this book,while Graf’s animated style guarantees a pleasant reading experience. The original testimonyof witnesses enlivens the reader, as does the skill with which the authors exposethe absurdities of Holocaust historiography. Softcover, 365 pages, B&W illustrations,bibliography, index, #389, $25 minus 10% for TBR subscribers.Sobibor: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality. By Juergen Graf,Thomas Kues and Carlo Mattogno. Between 25,000 and 2,000,000Jews are said to have been killed in gas chambers in the Sobibórcamp in eastern Poland in 1942 and 1943. The corpses were allegedlyburied in mass graves and later incinerated on pyres. Thisbook investigates these claims and shows that they are not basedon solid evidence, but on the selective use of absurd and contradictoryeyewitness testimonies. Archeological surveys of the camp in2000-2001 are analyzed, with fatal results for the exterminationcamp hypothesis. The book also thoroughly documents the generalNS policy toward Jews, which never included an extermination plan. Softcover, 434 pages,B&W illustrations, bibliography, index. #536, $25 minus 10% for TBR subscribers.Belzec in Propaganda, Testimonies,Archeological Research andHistory. By Carlo Mattogno. Witnesses report that at least 600,000,if not as many as three million, Jews were murdered in the Belzeccamp, located in eastern Poland, between 1941 and 1942. Variousmurder weapons are claimed to have been used: diesel gas chambers;unslaked lime in trains; high voltage; vacuum chambers etc.According to witnesses, the corpses were incinerated on hugepyres without leaving any traces. For those who know the storiesabout Treblinka this all sounds too familiar. The author thereforerestricted this study to the aspects which are different and newcompared to Treblinka, but otherwise refers the reader to his Treblinka book. The developmentof the official image portrait about Belzec is explained and subjected to a thoroughcritique. In contrast to Treblinka, forensic drillings and excavations were performedin the late 1990s in Belzec, the results of which are explained and critically reviewed.These findings, together with the absurd claims by “witnesses,” refute the thesis of an exterminationcamp. Softcover, 138 pages, B&W illustrations, bibliography, index, #540,$15 minus 10% for TBR subscribers.

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