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GERMAR RUDOLF, RESISTANCE IS OBLIGATORY– Summer 1942: New crematoria are ordered for A.-Birkenau for amore efficient mass extermination.– March 1943: Crematorium II complete; extermination beginthere.Main Thesis: Poison granules of Zyklon B were poured throughholes in the ceiling of gas chambers.Demand: Since mass gassings are said to have been plannedsince 1941, proper and preplanned holes must havebeen built into the ceiling.Findings: There are no such holes in ceiling.1st Support Thesis: Workers forgot the holes during construction;Findings:hence they were chiseled out afterwards.The holes chiseled in the ceiling were never finished,and they were demonstrably made after thewar.2nd Support Thesis: The real holes are located in cracks of the ceiling,which was badly damaged by demolition with explosives,and so the original holes are indistinguishablefrom damage caused by explosives.With this second auxiliary thesis the aim to perfectly immunize thatthesis against refutation has been achieved.Yet: that which can be neither proven nor is accessible to attempts atrefutation must be considered unproven, or in this case: as non-existent.Example 4:As my last example I would like to return to the field of gravity, anentirely unemotional subject, in order to show that even in this area similarlogic fallacies can occur. I have already described the genesis of ourunderstanding of gravity, which we associate with the names of Copernicus,Kepler, Galilei, Newton and Einstein. However, more recent observationsof galactic phenomena have shown that these phenomena areinexplicable by the traditional concepts of gravity. Once more I use theabove introduced pattern to present this problem:Fact:The orbital speed of suns around the centers of galaxiesdoes not obey Kepler’s laws: they are too fast onthe outer circumference (given the presumed distributionof known matter within the galaxy).74

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